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 Rollie Peschon | Home > 
Delores House
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   This is a photo album with many different building science approaches integrated into this home. You will see how to dig a foundation so water is being managed from day one. You will also see footing drains, water  EDITmanagement systems, capillary moisture breaks, energy efficient details, air tight drywall details , vented rainscreens, proper roof to wall connections etc and hopefully some explanations of why things are done the way they are.
Please sign the guestbook, and explain how you found the album.EDIT 12/23.  Delores house was repainted for the first time after 19 years.
Date(s): July 1, 2005. Album by Rollie Peschon. 1 - 24 of 224 Total. 55407 Visits.
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Foundation, Water-managed: Systems for at or below-grade enclosure assemblies where gravity (drainage) is used to move liquid water away from the structure, relieving hydrostatic water forces.

Basement subgrade dug to drain to sump area. Yes, this takes more rock in the basement, but you know that any water that enters the subslab area is headed towards the exit point.

"I just want to thank you f..."
"Thanks for posting, this w..."
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Form A Drain forms for footings.  
Kind of a gimmicky product in my application, but they do work and dont have to be stripped.  They also are in place, in case of a dirt cave in.

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Sealed sump pump basin.  Note 4 bolt holes for lid.

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Sump pump basin is drilled (sides and bottom) for water entry, and sat on top of at least 4 inches of crushed rock, and backfilled with crushed rock.  This, in conjunction with a graded dig, virtually guarantees that any water that enters the slab area, will be pumped out.

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Sump area dug down prior to pouring. Added a couple of inches of pearock,in case it rains over the long weekend. 4th of July.  Cant pour till Tuesday.

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Since it is a crawlspace, with a slab, we raised this middle footing 3 1/2 inchs(slab thickness) so we could use it as a screed for the floor pour, and there is 4 inches of pearock below for water transfer under the footing.  No formadrain needed here. Bearing wall will frame directly on top of footing here.

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Footings formed and reinforcing steel installed, with chairs.  Reinforcing steel wants to be in the bottom 2/3s of the footings.

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Sump basin installed.  Inlet from form a drain needs to be connected yet, but it is doubtful that any water will ever enter the footing drains, because of the pea rock underslab, and sub footing drainage bed.

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3500 psi concrete being pored in footings.

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Vertical reinforcing installed in footings.

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Lines snapped on top of footings, and capillary moisture break installed on top of footings.

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Capillary moisture break:  Non-absorbent material or space that interrupts the flow of water from one material to another, or between like materials.

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Placing capillary moisture break on footings

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Capillary moisture break will fold up on ICF wall on exterior and get counterflashed with exterior membrane. On the inside, it will tie onto the subslab vapor barrier for a continous sealed vapor retarder underslab.
"Rollie, I am an Badger tr..."
"Capillary moisture breaks ..."
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Slab prep in store for tomorrow

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Filling and leveling pea rock, and installing 1 1/2 foam insulation underslab.

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1 1/2 Lb density extruded foam (Yellow, Pink,Gray in color) is acceptable in non structural applications, such as this. For structural situations, 2 lb density (Dow Blue) is specified.

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Sub slab Vapor retarder rolled out, ready to install,  Fold A Form ICf blocks starting to be installed.
Vapor Retarder: A vapor retarder is the element that is designed and installed in an assembly to retard the movement of water by vapor diffusion.

"Gary, Yes, is is standard ..."
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Almost ready to pour.  10 am Wed.

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Sealed vapor retarder underslab, and 4 inch slab being installed.

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Finished pouring 2 pm

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 Continued ...
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  Sign the Guestbook. Displaying 71 of 71 entries.
I did a search for rainscreen details at windows, and it eventually got me to the Dolores house.  I am a construction defect expert and have a unique situation for which we are searching for a viable alternative to the existing defective assembly, and I want to thank you for the GREAT shared documentation of your projects.  Some of what I learned will probable be adapted into our solution, but it will be proprietary due to the unusual siding and Chinese manufactured windows, both of which lack critical installation instructions.  Coupled with the dearth of good detailing of rainscreen details at window and door trim, we will undoubtedly need to construct a test assembly since all of the siding is coming off this horribly botched 3 story home.  Very grateful.
John Markarian, Tue, 5 Dec 2023 2:00PM
have you documented or posted post-construction lessons learned, such as how effective was interior air sealing techniques. I am a novice. Building a small sound proof decoupled room in basement and trying to figure out all details to air seal and this reduce noise. I am dealing with ductwork of course and rotten, poorly insulated rim joists. Just moved into 30 year home. It's been an education
Ryan Miday, Tue, 29 Jun 2021 7:49PM
Thanks for sharing Rollie :)
Ryan Kerr, Thu, 4 Feb 2021 7:12PM
you're actually a just right webmaster. The website loading speed is incredible.
It kind of feels that you are doing any unique
trick. In addition, The contents are masterwork. you've done a magnificent process in this
affiliate-cashsecrets.blogspot.com | http://affiliate-cashsecrets.blogspot.com/, Thu, 3 Sep 2020 7:48AM
Great thanks for posting, I have it bookmarked!
Jeva | minecraftforfreenow.net, Thu, 25 Jul 2013 11:46AM
Hi, I was researching house wrap and found this site through a link posted by SuzieSnowflake on GardenWeb.com.  Thank you for this documentary. I learn best by seeing and you've clarified a lot of abstract concepts for me.  I have more questions for you, if you wouldn't mind emailing me.  Thanks again for all your hard work.
Bob Corcoran, Thu, 11 Apr 2013 1:46PM
Priceless. Bookmarking for future reference.  Many many thanks to a fellow Iowan.
Gordon Taylor, Wed, 29 Feb 2012 9:52PM
found through GBA - have bookmarked for future reference (hope to be able to use the wealth of knowledge complied here!) - David (architect)
David Gregory, Fri, 7 Oct 2011 12:45AM
I am researching techniques to add exterior, rigid foam insulation to existing construction and found your site in a blog.
Ross Klooster, Sun, 7 Aug 2011 2:53PM
I live in Louisiana and was researching information on rainscreens, which ended with me viewing your site. Thank you for all the time you spent on documenting the constuction project. I cannot tell you how many times I get great descriptions of a process...but never get to view the process. Your documentation is the best!!! Thank you again.
Pat Potier, Wed, 22 Jun 2011 4:51PM
Nice site Rollie....great detail in Deloris' house
Tim, Fri, 8 Oct 2010 7:07PM
Brilliant.  Thinking of building, probably building using the REMOTE style (with insulation on the outside, rather than inside the framing.  But your detailing gives me a lot of information on what I need.
PaulL, Mon, 2 Aug 2010 1:33AM

I tried to email you some info on Delores house, but your email bounced.
Rollie, Thu, 1 Apr 2010 6:27PM

I never tire of reviewing you tutorial on Delores' house. I consider it the gold standard. Can I ask how much it cost to build that house with that level of quality? How many square feet was it? Thanks for taking the time to creat that.
Randy Perry, Mon, 22 Mar 2010 6:06PM
interesting stuff, thanks, a friend recommended site
tom northrop, Thu, 18 Feb 2010 2:02PM
found this from gardenweb.com

haven't looked yet
scott owens, Thu, 28 Jan 2010 7:55PM
Thank you very much for all the time you took to make this possible

Knick, Mon, 19 Jan 2009 7:17PM
Found your site via a link from Garden Web.  Amazing stuff.  I'm going to show this to our construction manager.  I think it will really help us get a tight efficient house.  Thanks!
JACQUELINE STONE, Sat, 17 Jan 2009 6:19AM
researching new code requirements which are advocating rainscreen design and installation....gardenweb google
rich, Tue, 26 Aug 2008 3:59PM
Thanks!  We found this site through Owner-Builder and found the level of detail very informative. Your pictures sure make the notes on the blueprints MUCH more understandable!
Kudos to you~
Doug & Debbie Todd, Sat, 2 Aug 2008 3:58PM
We are in the process of building a home and found this site through a link on gardenweb. You have put together a very helpful, well illustrated guide for quality home construction. Thanks!
Julie Q, Thu, 10 Jul 2008 8:10AM
Rollie, Checked out your site from a link at BaH Gardenweb.  Wished I had read this before I started building. Very clean and well descibed steps. Maybe next time!
Matt, Wed, 9 Jul 2008 1:26PM
Thanks for doing this, I have quite alot from your build. I saw the link to this at gardenweb
zack , Tue, 1 Jul 2008 4:09AM
Great work!!
Al, Wed, 11 Jun 2008 9:02AM
Hi, found your web site while surfing "rebar, rusty, cracked, retaining wall, repair" which took me to HomeBuilderBook which in turn poited me to your site.  Thank you for the very specific and detailed information.
Jenny, Wed, 11 Jun 2008 6:43AM
Thanks for the education, I'm printing it out to show my GC
Emily, Sat, 7 Jun 2008 6:51AM
Great blog! I found it through Garden Web. I'm going to be building my own house soon, and am gathering ideas and knowledge. Thanks for the info!
Jay DeBree, Sun, 1 Jun 2008 5:31AM
Thanks for sharing your knowledge and expertise!  I'd buy the book!!  I followed a link from Gardenweb to find you.
Charlotte Faller, Sat, 31 May 2008 9:02PM
Found your site because it was mentioned on Gardweb.com forum as a great place to learn what good building practices should look like.  As someone getting ready to have a custom home built, I figure the more I know to watch out for, the less likely I am to get badly burned. I chosen a builder that I trust ("knock wood") will do a good job for me but like the old saying once used in relation to the nuclear arms treaty, "trust and verify!"
Thanks for the info.
Bev, Thu, 8 May 2008 10:55AM
very nice chronological construction photos
Bert Thomas, Mon, 14 Apr 2008 12:25AM
Who manufactures that foam gun & canister?  Thanks.
Dave, Thu, 18 Oct 2007 6:17PM
I wish we could clone you so more of us could take advantage of your knowledge!
mary schneider, Mon, 15 Oct 2007 8:55PM
Just wanted to applaud your work, attention to detail, and efforts in creating this site with your documentation.  You have given me a lot of insight as to how the buildup goes, and I look forward to using some of your strategies on my own work.  Thank you again and good luck with your next project.
Joseph Killen, Tue, 24 Apr 2007 8:51AM

Great service you have provided for homeowners here. I thank you and appreciate the time and effort you puet into making this available to all of us.

Randy Perry, Thu, 22 Mar 2007 11:17AM
Nice pics so far. Hope to see more builders using sound "Building Science" techniques. That will make the selection of a contractor for my own arguably "superinsulated" home in NH that much easier. I have been researching technique and materials for some time. Project is two years away.
Dick Russell, Wed, 6 Dec 2006 6:12PM
I am building a house in the next 3 months, and I want to be able to know if my contractor is doing the right thing
ALICIA RODRIGUEZ, Tue, 26 Sep 2006 10:20AM
Thank you so much.  I am just learning about construction techniques and your site is inspiring.
Veronica Hansen, Tue, 5 Sep 2006 8:58AM
Thanx for putting this pictorial together. Very educational, a must read for any construction student!
J. Morales, Sat, 2 Sep 2006 7:25AM
GREAT web site. I found it on the Homeowners Against Deficient Dwellings Headline News page. Everyone building a new home or doing remodeling should view this site and insist that the builder view it as well. www.hadd.com
Nancy Seats | www.hadd.com, Sat, 5 Aug 2006 8:54AM
thank you so much for taking the time and effort to keep this site. i am here, invited by alison, as we are to begin building our panelized home in north central idaho within the next couple of years - we are in the land buying phase now and do not intned to move until 2010.

there is so very much to learn just know know enough to be an informed consumer when having someone else do the actual building.

thank you

angela , Sat, 1 Jul 2006 4:17PM

bill mccomb, Fri, 17 Feb 2006 8:32PM
thanks for taking to post these pictures and details, it is very informative and has helped me more than you can imagine, thanks again
Kerry, Thu, 5 Jan 2006 11:48AM
Thanks Rollie.  I plan to build in mid '06 and this will be very helpful.
Terry, Sat, 24 Dec 2005 7:53PM
Thank you! The pictures you took at every step for preperation and installation is very helpfull. Pictures do say a thousand words!
angelb, Fri, 2 Dec 2005 11:22PM
good stuff, certainly not how it is done by most "production" builders
chris, Tue, 29 Nov 2005 4:51AM
awesome job! thanks for sharing some alternative and extreme methods that differ from the "norm". very much needed. you are a great giver!!!
mark & barbara, Sat, 26 Nov 2005 3:59PM
Wow, thanks for all your efforts.  Makes me cringe when I think of our past window installs.  Will definitly be showing this to the DH before we start the addition.
Dian, Thu, 24 Nov 2005 4:05PM
great job!.. thanks for sharing bro!
Mani, Sun, 20 Nov 2005 5:42AM
Dude, if I didn't think you were insanely busy, I'd ask you to consult on my house in Omaha.  We start digging in July/Aug.
jason, Sat, 19 Nov 2005 2:04AM

Demeron, Fri, 18 Nov 2005 7:21AM
Pollie: WOW!! Great job. By all means please proceed. Thanks
jimmac, Thu, 17 Nov 2005 11:49AM
Thank you for this...we want to build next year.  We want to spend our time and money right the first time...thanks for helping us in that goal! (I found your site on gardenweb.com)
Lais, Wed, 2 Nov 2005 7:51PM
Starting construction soon and I'll make sure the contractor looks at this -- especially the windows.
Paco, Tue, 25 Oct 2005 4:51PM
Excellent!!  Came here via a post on the Motley Fool home contruction board.  Very useful--hope you can continue with other projects.
Kabh, Fri, 21 Oct 2005 10:00PM
Definitely defines and details the importance of the parts the typical homeowner never sees.  Great Job...Please continue
Birdman, Wed, 19 Oct 2005 5:23PM
waiting to see your insulation photos!  Thank you very much!
New_in_FL, Fri, 7 Oct 2005 6:52PM
Al, Wed, 5 Oct 2005 11:48AM
dman60, Sun, 25 Sep 2005 7:35PM
Great stuff - really appreciate the time you've taken to put into this!
Joe, Wed, 14 Sep 2005 8:27PM
Good stuff Rollie you should publish this when you're done!
Smokychimp, Thu, 8 Sep 2005 8:59AM
Thanks....VERY helpful and much appreciated!
Reagan01, Wed, 7 Sep 2005 3:33PM
Thank you so much! A fantastic way for beginners like me to learn what to do - and what to watch out for!
cal_dreamer, Tue, 6 Sep 2005 7:55PM
We're not worthy!!!  Thanks for your awesome pictorial!
HalfBarnRanchJake, Sat, 3 Sep 2005 7:24AM
Great stuff Rollie, many thanks for showing all of us the RIGHT way to build!
ERLA, Wed, 31 Aug 2005 7:58AM
Wow!  this is a wealth of knowledge, thanks for sharing with us all.
jrubus, Wed, 24 Aug 2005 4:44AM
What a great resource!  Thanks
George, Thu, 18 Aug 2005 4:46AM
Great for a beginner just educating herself in the building process.  Thanks.
Barbara Wright, Tue, 9 Aug 2005 10:26AM
wish this showed stick built as that is what we will end up doing -- any books that give this close a teaching venue for home buyer's education.
Loves2read, Sat, 6 Aug 2005 8:18PM
Thank you Rollie!!!  This photo album is invaluable.  It will show home buyers what the work their builder is doing should look like (in most cases).  It will also teach the less than competent builders out there how to do the job right.  Can you do one for each climate? :-)
SuzieSnowflake, Wed, 20 Jul 2005 8:06AM
Thank you for my house we will make it. This info will really help others too.
Happy Process, Sat, 9 Jul 2005 8:11PM
Please sign the guestbook. It will help me decide whether to proceed with this project or not.
Rollie, Wed, 6 Jul 2005 12:34PM
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