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1 - 15 of 31 Total.
Texas Wildflowers, 2024
1. Texas Wildflowers, 2024  (March 16, 2024)
11705 Visits
14 Images
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Texas Wildflowers (and storms), 2017
2. Texas Wildflowers (and storms), 2017    (March 14, 2017)
4233 Visits
17 Images
Gallery Album
Texas Wildflowers, 2016
3. Texas Wildflowers, 2016  (March 7, 2016)
Season updates:

5/1 - Prairie wildflowers
5/8 - Beautiful scenes from the Hill Country
5/19 - More brilliant hues from the prairie
12155 Visits
46 Images
Gallery Album
Texas Wildflowers, 2015
4. Texas Wildflowers, 2015  (March 23, 2015)
Season updates:

3/23 - Early season images from the Permian Basin and South-central Texas

4/25 - Stormscapes, whitetail deer, zebras and wildflowers in the Hill Country

5/6 - Wildflowers on the prairie

5/12 - Williamson County wildflowers

5/18 - More from Williamson County (Standing cypress, Mexican hat)

5/25 - Mixed wildflowers and Cumulonimbus mammatus at sunset - Williamson County

6/15 - A couple recent shots from the Hill Country and Cross-plains
5583 Visits
38 Images
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Texas Wildflowers, 2014
5. Texas Wildflowers, 2014  (April 1, 2014)
17211 Visits
42 Images
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Texas Wildflowers, 2013
6. Texas Wildflowers, 2013  (April 18, 2013)
4818 Visits
23 Images
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Annular Eclipse, West Texas
7. Annular Eclipse, West Texas  (May 20, 2012)
Images of the 2012 annular solar eclipse, taken 6 miles east of Sundown, TX (Hockley County).
5068 Visits
6 Images
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Texas Wildflowers, 2012
8. Texas Wildflowers, 2012  (March 19, 2012)
14164 Visits
46 Images
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Texas Wildflowers, 2010
9. Texas Wildflowers, 2010  (April 7, 2010)
Wildflower vistas and nature scenery across the most beautiful parcels of land on planet Earth.  

Fifty years from now, Texans (and anyone else who was fortunate enough to visit) will be telling their grandchildren about the historic wildflower display that occurred in 2010.    

Many more images to come as the season unfolds ... y'all come back now.

Latest updates:

September 10 - Large displays of snow-on-the-prairie near Round Top, with dramatic skyscapes as Tropical Storm Hermine approaches.

October 27 - Field of goldenrod and a low-precipitation supercell between Walburg and Granger, Williamson County.
18934 Visits
99 Images
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Texas Wildflowers, 2009
10. Texas Wildflowers, 2009  (April 7, 2009)
12112 Visits
14 Images
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Wildflowers at home, 2009, 2011
11. Wildflowers at home, 2009, 2011  (June 16, 2009)
7795 Visits
15 Images
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Texas Fall Foliage, 2008
12. Texas Fall Foliage, 2008  (November 11, 2008)
Photographs from Anderson County (near Palestine), 11/9/2008.

12/2 - added image #8, taken near San Saba.
13484 Visits
8 Images
Gallery Album
Texas Wildflowers, 2008
13. Texas Wildflowers, 2008  (March-September, 2008)
33592 Visits
19 Images
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14. Fauna  (September 7, 2006)
A menagerie of God's finer creatures.
23475 Visits
24 Images
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Texas Wildflowers, 2007
15. Texas Wildflowers, 2007  (March 12, 2007)
Images 1-4 added 3/12/07 (early blooms, Brenham area).
Images 5-8 added 3/19/07 (early blooms, Brenham area).
Images 9-19 added 3/26/07 (bluebonnets, phlox - Brenham area).
Images 20-29 added 4/2/07 (fields of bluebonnets in full bloom - Brenham area).
Images 30-38 added 4/17/07 (mixed mid-spring wildflowers across southeast Texas).
Images 39-55 added 4/30/07 (amazing mixed wildflower displays, SE TX and Hill Country).
Images 56-70 added 6/18/07 (more spectacular sights from the Hill Country, Big Country, Panhandle and Permian Basin).
Images 70-72 added 7/18/07 (bluebells in southeast TX).
Images 73-74 added 8/29/07 (snow-on-the-prairie, southeast TX).
Image 75 added 9/30/07 (tickseed sunflower).
26015 Visits
75 Images
Gallery Album
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