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June 16, 2007

I was told a few years ago that it was impossible to use  Helitool Suspended Pedals in a M37 since the brake pedal was directly inline  with the steering column.  This is true, but dont believe it cant be  done, and simply.  To make the brake pedal clear the steering column, you would have to serious bending (re-shapeing) and then the pedal would be shorter  in length than the clutch pedal.

Instead and a lot easier is to take the Helitool Suspended Pedals as shipped and just swap the Clutch and Brake  pedal.  This is plug and play,  requiring only a 3/4" wrench to remove the top pivot bolt on each pedal, swap them and re-insert  and tighten the pivot  bolts.  Thats it, problem over.
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