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  • Stephenville, TX 76401 lop@erath.net

 Larry Parham | Home > Bosque River Boys (see "Elvis")  
Bosque River Boys (see "Elvis")
Bosque River Boys started singing in 1997 - started out as Barbershop and the main music is now Southern Gospel - old time male quartet style with just a piano for instrument - our newest member is an Elvis impersonator named Dan DeVivo - also our friends and singers The Wardens - JoAnn and Ray Patterson - Bosque River Boys singers are Dan DeVivo, Bill Grisham, Paul Pendleton, Larry Parham and playing the piano is Z T Warden
Date(s): 1997 til present. 1 - 10 of 10 Total. Shared
Carlton Valentine 2009
1. Carlton Valentine 2009  (Feb 13, 2009)
Bosque River Boys sing at the Carlton Baptist Church for the Valentine program once again
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2. misc 
these are pictures that I do not know how to classify so they are under misc - they are Bosque River Boys of Stephenville pictures
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December 08 and Christmas 08
3. December 08 and Christmas 08  (Dec 08)
Bosque River Boys go to 5th Sunday Singing at Pleasant Hill 7 miles out on 281 from Stephenville and also at the Stephenville Nursing Home for their Christmas party
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Calvary Church Oct 11, 2008
4. Calvary Church Oct 11, 2008  (Oct 11, 2008)
The Bosque River Boys sing at the Calvary Church in Stephenville, Texas morning and evening service
2553 Visits
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5. Warden's  (2008)
the Warden familyand Ray and JoAnnPatterson
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Bosque River Boys 05
6. Bosque River Boys 05  (2005)
Bosque River Boys sing at Carlton Baptist Church for Valentine Banquet and also that same year for Christmas at the Lions Club in Stephenville
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Dan Devivo as "Elvis"
7. Dan Devivo as "Elvis"  (2008)
Dan DeVivo is the newest member of the 11 year old Bosque River Boys and he is an Elvis impersonator - these are the pictures taken for a web site and brochure - one set of pictures was taken at a local assisted living facility and the other set of pictures is at a birthday party for a 4 year old
7940 Visits
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Gaylord Texas
8. Gaylord Texas  (2006)
Bosque River Boys sing at the Gaylord Texan at an event that has to do with a Texas Baptist organization
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Bosque River Boys at Bass Pro Shop
9. Bosque River Boys at Bass Pro Shop  (2005)
Bosque River Boys stop at Bass Pro Shop on way to Gaylord Texas
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Ray's Funeral 1-22-09
10. Ray's Funeral 1-22-09  (1-22-09)
we are so saddened at the passing of Ray Patterson - Ray would have approved of the celebration of his life and especially as "the best pianist - ever" - Ray played the piano for over 70 years - he played for the Bosque River Boys for over 10 years - thanks Ray for you and your talent
1398 Visits
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photography of any kind and anywhere - lop@erath.net