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many different typed of industrial glass create an interesting look while maximizing the light and obscuring the view
copyright 2021
Nikon D3000 Hide EXIF / IPTC
CameraCamera Data
ModelNIKON D3000
OrientationTop, left side (Horizontal / normal)
X Resolution300 dots per inch
Y Resolution300 dots per inch
Resolution UnitInch
Date/Time2010:02:15 04:09:48
YCbCr PositioningDatum point
PhotoPhoto Data
Exposure Time1/160 sec
Exposure ProgramAperture priority
ISO Speed Ratings400
Exif Version2.21
Date/Time Original2010:02:15 04:09:48
Date/Time Digitized2010:02:15 04:09:48
Components ConfigurationYCbCr
Compressed Bits Per Pixel4 bits/pixel
Exposure Bias Value0 EV
Max Aperture ValueF4.9
Metering ModeMulti-segment
White BalanceUnknown
FlashFlash did not fire
Focal Length34.0 mm
Sub-Sec Time00
Sub-Sec Time Original00
Sub-Sec Time Digitized00
FlashPix Version1.00
Color SpacesRGB
Exif Image Width3872 pixels
Exif Image Height2592 pixels
Sensing MethodOne-chip color area sensor
File SourceDigital Still Camera (DSC)
Scene TypeDirectly photographed image
CFA Pattern0 2 0 2 1 2 0 1
Custom RenderedNormal process
Exposure ModeAuto exposure
White Balance ModeAuto white balance
Digital Zoom Ratio1
Focal Length 3551mm
Scene Capture TypeStandard
Gain ControlLow gain up
Subject Distance RangeUnknown
Photo 79 of 92, DSC_0104.JPG, 77KB, 800x535, 468 Hits
Other Sizes: Medium Large Original
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