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Lexi's Imaginary Friend, Dana
1. Lexi's Imaginary Friend, Dana  (July, 2011)
It was July 30,  2011, and Lexi and Nanny, me, were on my patio talking. This is one of the many times I have recorded her over the years.
Today, we meet Lexi and her imaginary friend, Dana, and how she came to be.
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David's 1955 MG-TF
2. David's 1955 MG-TF 
Lifetime project.
1171 Visits
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3. Alaska by Rail  (May 31 - June 8, 2018)
0 Visits
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4. kitchen makeover 
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From Flea to Me - Antiques & Repurposing
5. From Flea to Me - Antiques & Repurposing  (March 17, 2013)
Scott has two booths in Richardson, Texas.  Along with some wonderful finds, he is doing a lot of repurposing of older finds.  You will find his things in booths 22 and 30 Kolbeh Antique Resale Consignment at Beltline and Coit Road.

Follow all the new finds on Facebook under From Flea to Me.
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The Few, the Proud, the Marines  - Drew
6. The Few, the Proud, the Marines  - Drew  (August19 and August 20, 2012)
Drew joined the Marines.  Sunday, August 19, we met him and his mom and dad at the recruiting station in Plano.  

Today he was sworn in.
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7. Plumaria  (June 24, 2011)
The earliest picture I have, or at least I can find, is from May, 2006.
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8. Potatoes  (5/6/2011)
Grandkids and grand pappy digging potatos from our small garden.
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Back to the 80s
9. Back to the 80s 
It was a great party.  Good company, good food and drink.  We had fun karaoking. It was the time of black lights, candy cigaretts, big hair, dark glasses, rubix cubes, did I say big hair . . pac man, fun odd characters,
4557 Visits
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The Sand Painting. The Final Goodby 2010
10. The Sand Painting. The Final Goodby 2010  (November)
Every year (for the past three years) when we have gone to California to visit, we find a beautiful beach where we can make a very special sand painting.  At the time Andrea and I did this one we were slightly frantic as we knew we just had to do this for Sharon.  We needed to find a beach just one more time to make the perfect sand painting for her.  Bless her Jim and my David, they took us over and over to places, and in the end . . we went to three beaches . . and none of them were right this year. . .and we were disheartened.

We had nearly given up . . . and then . . . we found the perfect place . . .  this is a bit different from what we have done the last two years, but it felt good and right . . . and we were happy.

MARCH 21, 2011
Our beautiful sister, Sharon, passed March 21, 2011. It was so hard, and we all think of her so often.
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Sibling Reunion 2007
11. Sibling Reunion 2007 
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Now do you believe?
12. Now do you believe? 
We were waiting for Scott to come home from Iraq.  
Flags were flying.  You see something hovering . . and then . . there she is.

Is this not amazing!
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Locks of Love . . Dec. 2009, July 2011
13. Locks of Love . . Dec. 2009, July 2011  (December, 2009 and July, 2011)
Locks of Love - Mission Statement

Our mission is to return a sense of self, confidence and normalcy to children suffering from hair loss by utilizing donated ponytails to provide the highest quality hair prosthetics to financially disadvantaged children. The children receive hair prostheses free of charge or on a sliding scale, based on financial need.


As children sometimes do, our 3 1/2 year old grand daughter, Lexi, found a pair of scissors, snipped a bit of her hair, took it to her mom and said she wanted to give it to the little girl.  Previously, Lexi's  mom had talked to her about it, but Lexi wasn't ready.

This is her story.

This is the second time for Lexi to send her hair to Locks of Love.  I tried to get her to do the same pose in some of the later pictures, but she didn't quite understand. Still, we got close.  Pictures 35 through 40.  There is a big maturity difference from December 2009 to July 2011.
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California Vacation 2009
14. California Vacation 2009  (October 28  November 4,  2009)
This is the time of year we always fly out to visit with my sister, Andrea, and her husband, Jim. We revisited several places we have gone before. We have such a lovely time together.

This year, we stayed at Baywood Inn again at our favorite place, sort of a bed and breakfast.  

We didn't get to karaoke at the little bar there which was a bit disappoiinting, but hey!  There were awesome costumes, and mostly we just sat, had drinks and observed, and maybe sometimes gawked. Maybe nothing! We GAWKED! It was so much fun.

We can't go without visiting the elephant seals.

Due to the lack of water, it was sad to see where once there were crops, there were only brown fields.

One of the fun things we did in Fresno was to visit the world-renowned Underground Gardens of Artist-Builder Baldassare Forestiere. If you haven't been, you simply wouldn't believe what one man did.

For 40 years, Forestiere labored in his spare time, chipping and carving away at the unforgiving earth.  With only his farmer’s tools—picks, shovels,wheelbarrows, and a scraper pulled by his two mules, Dolly and Molly. No dynamite or modern mechanical methods were used.

Forestiere hand-carved in his spare time, a work unlike any this country had ever seen.



"To make something with lots of money, that is easy.  But to make something out of nothing -- that now, is something!"
            Baldassare Forestiere
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Do You Believe
15. Do You Believe  (2008 Forward)
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2007 June and July Miscellaneous
16. 2007 June and July Miscellaneous  (June and July, 2007)
So this is a mish mash of pics. You can tell the plants of course. The ramp is what David built for Cathy's 40th birthday for her doxie, Hunter. He is having trouble with his legs and back, and can no longer climb or jump up on her bed. Needs to lose about eight pounds. Marcela turns 11 on July 5. Cody is Marcela's cousin, and turned 17 on the 13th of June.
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 1955 MGTF
17. 1955 MGTF  (June, 2007)
There is a lot to do on this album, and I'll do my best to update it as work progresses.

Car was bought from an estate and had the wrong powertrain. Then I found out how badly it had been hacked up when they installed a Vauxhall engine. The frame was beyond repair and I had to find another. I disassembled what I had and have stored much of it in the attic until it is needed. I found another frame and started from there.
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Los Pinos Ranch Weekend - 4/27-28/07
18. Los Pinos Ranch Weekend - 4/27-28/07  
UPDATED 5/28. We took off on Friday to spend the day and night with Nellie. We met at her house and then went to Pittsburg, Tx where Joe Bill was buried this past December.  We hadn't been back since that time. Then we went on to the Los Pinos Ranch Winery for lunch and wine tasting.  Just a great place. Next we went on to Paris . . Texas . . .  '-D to visit with David's brother, Richard, and his wife, Jean. They have a lovely home and there are a number of pictures which you will enjoy. We made a full day of going and then on back to Nellie's for the night. Saturday we went to eat breakfast at Ruby's in downtown Greenville. Then on to look at some flowers in one of the gardens near downtown, the Heritage Garden of Hunt County. Roses, vegetables, herbs. After that, David and I started mowing. First time on the mower for me. I had great fun. Made his job last longer. The grass was high after a lot of rain so it took us awhile to get it done, but it looked good when finished. We had a wonderful, feel good time with Nellie.
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Guns - Don't Play With Them
19. Guns - Don't Play With Them  (About 1959 to Present, 2007)
This is what happens when someone plays with guns.  When I was sixteen I was shot in the foot with a twelve gauge shotgun.  Someone was playing with the gun and pointing it at me and I'm lucky that it hit me where it did, in the foot, nearly blowing it off.  Through the miracle of surgeries, I was able to keep my foot. It's still full of shot, and while very limited in things, i.e., no movement because the tendons were damaged, not a lot of feeling other than phantom which is very strange, I can walk, dance, etc.  I am a fortunate woman.
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Grandkids February, 2007
20. Grandkids February, 2007  (May, 2006)
Some of these are in cartoon fun and a lot of fun.
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Upstairs Bedrooms
21. Upstairs Bedrooms  (January 14, 2007)
David's is the English "E" bedroom and mine the Lighthouse "L" one.  Both a mixture of course, but they are fun and ours to do with as we please. It's full of memories.
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22. Life  (November 2, 2006)
Marcela, Zoey and I went to Cottonwood Park to feed the ducks.  14 new babies.  Lexi discovers something fun . . .
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California Vacation
23. California Vacation   (October 29, 2006)
Here are two pictures of what we saw yesterday. There will be many more but it's taking awhile to get them on.
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September, 2006
24. September, 2006  (9/16/06)
Lots of happenings this month. My David turned 64. Mama and daddy would have celebrated their anniversary on the 3rd.  Stephanie turned 30.  Alex turned 28.  Life happened.
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Hummingbirds 2006 -
25. Hummingbirds 2006 -   (September 3, 2006)
We really started getting hummers in August. September and we still have the same ones. Have seen two kinds.  One with a red throat (who plays king of the mountain) and the others are kind of an emerald green. There is also a female. These are some found in Texas.
"Ruby-throated, Black-chinned, Broad-tailed, Anna's, Rufous, Magnificent, Lucifer, Buff-bellied, Blue-throated, Costa's, Green Violet-ear, Allen's, Calliope, Broad-billed, Violet-crowned, White-eared, Green-breasted Mango, Berylline. Antillean Crested, Rufous-tailed."
Late September and they're still around.
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Brother and Sisters
26. Brother and Sisters  (August 31, 2006)
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Stalker/Spradling Descendants
27. Stalker/Spradling Descendants  (July 20, 2006)
These are different family photos from Mamo Fern Collins.  Nellie Mae Spradling is helping with the dates and names.
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Making Memories
28. Making Memories  (July 16, 2006)
These are the first pictures in this album. In our cooking classe today, Zoey and I made Basil Pesto and Pinto beans.
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Love Letters - Between the Pages, Part 1
29. Love Letters - Between the Pages, Part 1  (Sometime after 1939)
Love Letters Between Momma and Daddy.
Love Letters Straight From the Heart . . Keeps Us So Near While Apart . . .
Separation during war is especially difficult. Daddy and mama married September 3, 1939.  We miss them terribly, but we have their memories.  Many of these letters have no dates unless I've written something on the first page of the letter that "might" give a date line. I know they were from WWII. These letters are from daddy to mama. Those commenting will mostly be their children ... Jacqueline, Andrea, Stephens, Madeline, Rebecca, Sharon, and David.
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Love Letters - Between the Pages, Part 2
30. Love Letters - Between the Pages, Part 2  (Sometime after 1939)
Love Letters Between Mama and Daddy.  
Part one is letters from daddy to mama. This album is dedicated to letters from mama to daddy. The time is WWII. No dates as of yet, but we hope eventually to put mama and daddy's albums together. There are many, many more. Those commenting will mostly be their children ... Jacqueline, Andrea, Stephens, Madeline, Rebecca, Sharon, and David.
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Love Letters - Between the Pages, Part 3
31. Love Letters - Between the Pages, Part 3  (October 2, 2006)
Love Letters Between Momma and Daddy.

As you can read, separation during war is especially difficult. Daddy and mama married September 3, 1939. They were very young, and they missed each other terribly.  Unlike the first two albums, all the letters here are "dated," and I've attempted to put them in some order. Those commenting will mostly be their children ... Jacqueline, Andrea, Stephens, Madeline, Rebecca, Sharon, and David.
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Serving God and Country, Scott Turns 44
32. Serving God and Country, Scott Turns 44   (April 23, 2006)
Today is our Scott's 44th birthday.  He is serving in the Middle East . . but we had a party anyway. Lots of people attending . . and some surprise guests. Blast from the past. A fun album with help from my sister. We inserted pictures of Scott as a young child and a little older.
20712 Visits
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Zoey - On Becoming Six
33. Zoey - On Becoming Six  (March 4, 2006)
13478 Visits
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Visiting Mommie in the Hospital
34. Visiting Mommie in the Hospital   (February 15, 2006)
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Lexi - All Things Bright and Beautiful
35. Lexi - All Things Bright and Beautiful  (March 4, 2006)
All Creatures Great and Small
All Things Bright and Beautiful
All Things Wise and Wonderful
The Lord God Made Them All
. . .James Herriot
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Occupied Japan Collectibles
36. Occupied Japan Collectibles  (February 2006)
We started collecting 30 or so years ago. This is only a small portion of our collection. "Occupied Japan" (OJ) is a term used for the time period from 1945 (after World War II) through April 25, 1952.
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My David's Projects
37. My David's Projects   (Updated 05-25-2010)
I am going to add to this album as often as I can. I can't begin to remember all he has done in 41 years of marriage. So am taking pictures of those that I can see and as I remember. This doesn't include the hundreds of times he has worked on vehicles, plumbing things, etc.
30384 Visits
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