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Visiting Mommie in the Hospital
Date(s): February 15, 2006. Album by Jacqueline. 1 - 7 of 7 Total. 4465 Visits.
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Mommie has had meds to help her not hurt. Wake up mommie. Mommmmiieee . . I'm here. Remember me? I'm five days old now.

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Mommie and daddy and me. She is soooooooo out of it! He loves mommie.

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Wake up mommy. Mmmmommieeeeeeeee!Oh well. I'm comfortable. I'll just look at you.

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My daddy and me.

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Dr. Alexander. He's my doctor. We really liked him.

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Dr. A and mommie and me.

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My big sister. I want to be pretty like her when I grow up.

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