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Upstairs Bedrooms
David's is the English "E" bedroom and mine the Lighthouse "L" one.  Both a mixture of course, but they are fun and ours to do with as we please. It's full of memories.
Date(s): January 14, 2007. Album by Jacqueline. 1 - 27 of 27 Total. 8324 Visits.
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L  . . . I love this room.

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Madeline gave me this and I love it. It needed repairs and my mother-in-law repaired it for me.

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I would have to go look, but I believe each scene (lighthouse) is slightly different.  All hand sewn.

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Mama and daddy's trunk.  Many treasures . . newspapers, pictures. Haven't looked at it in awhile.

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When Nellie stays with us, this is her room.  She made the quilt that is ont here right now, and I love it.  See the swan rocker?  That was mamas. I remember being with her when she bought it.

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The hanging above the bed is a flag I believe.

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E - I think this is a lovely room. Lots of memories here.

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Two lamps from a yard sale. The small pitcher and bowl was given to David and me by his brother Richard at Christmas in 1966.  The ark to us by Scott. Pipes Andrea and I found at a yard sale. The rest I'm not sure.

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I found the lamp at a yard sale.

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The rabbit people and the great white bear were brought to work by someone who no longer wanted them. No one could use them so they now live with us.

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The picture was purchased at Cottonwood Art Festival in Richardson, Texas years ago. The love seat has been in the family many, many years. It belonged to daddy's mama, Nanny Fulks, and now officially belongs to Andrea.

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This is an old telephone/magazine stand purchased at an estate sale.

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I believe the picture came from mama's house. Most of the things on top of the Victrola came from yard or estate sales.

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I paid $100 for this at a yard sale. The lady was changing her decor and was wanting to get rid of it.  Worked for me!!

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Victor Talking Machine Co.
The Victor Talking Machine Company (1901–1929) was an American corporation, the leading American producer of phonographs and phonograph records and one of the leading phonograph companies in the world at the time. It was headquartered in Camden, New Jersey.
Victor had the rights in the United States and Latin America to use the famous trademark of the fox terrier Nipper listening to a Berliner Gramophone.

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Isn't this great!! I just love it. Had wanted one for several years, and one day this woman was putting things in her yard to sell because she wanted to redecorate. She had this inside and I believe I paid $100 for it. It was full of records. And it works.

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Andrea will recognize some of these things. The flasks came from her. Maybe one of the ducks. The lamp from mama's garage. Mr. Lincoln I've had for "many" years. The bank . . may have come from mama.  The clock was given to us by Stephens years ago when we still lived in Greenville. The picture, which "was" lovely and is now torn, was from Cottonwood Arts Festival.

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