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Love Letters - Between the Pages, Part 1
Love Letters Between Momma and Daddy.
Love Letters Straight From the Heart . . Keeps Us So Near While Apart . . .
Separation during war is especially difficult. Daddy and mama married September 3, 1939.  We miss them terribly, but we have their memories.  Many of these letters have no dates unless I've written something on the first page of the letter that "might" give a date line. I know they were from WWII. These letters are from daddy to mama. Those commenting will mostly be their children ... Jacqueline, Andrea, Stephens, Madeline, Rebecca, Sharon, and David.
Date(s): Sometime after 1939. Album by Jacqueline. 1 - 16 of 124 Total. 30505 Visits.
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Daddy and Mama. Aren't they beautiful.

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Daddy, papa, pops, dad. We all had our special name for him. Daddy was born May 16, 1914 and died December 4, 1989. He was just the lovliest and gentliest of people. He and mama had seven children, Jacqueline, Andrea, Stephens, Madeline, Sharon, Rebecca, and David.

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Mama, WCF, was born May 15, 1918 and died December 10, 2003.  She was beautiful all her life.

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The Cast
Jacqueline and Daddy Fred, mama's daddy.

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The Cast.
Mom and dad in later years.

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Mom's letters, in envelopes, to daddy. This is but a few, and these, at least, are dated.

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Dad's letters to mama . . in envelopes. As w/moms, these are dated. I may, at some point, try to merge them.

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Movies with Smitty, Verne, Joe

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We think somewhere 1943 or later because Jacqueline was born.Went to movie and saw King Kong. I'm sure it must have been the one with Faye Wray, 1933.

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Maggie?? Is she the friend mama met years later in Glen Rose?

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Why do we need friends?

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In all my spare time I think about having you to love. I try to think of new ways to tell you, so all I can do is tell you the same thing over and over and over.

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Sweetheart, I don't want to spend my furlough visiting relatives either ..

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I wish our letters traveled faster so we get make plans.Nothing is right this way with us being apart all the time. The European situation looks good now. Here's hoping the Japs won't hold out too long.

 Continued ...
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