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 Illinois American Legion Family | Home Next 15 | Show all 
Welcome to The American Legion family photo book. Please feel free to browse through our Family pictures. If you are in one, please feel free to save it to you computer.
1 - 15 of 92 Total.
1st Division Auxiliary Installation
1. 1st Division Auxiliary Installation   (July 21, 2024 at Franklin Park)
Installing Officer:
Sharon Conatser, Past National President.

Arlene Holtgrave, Department Auxiliary President
Joe Lampert, Department Commander
Rick Allen, SAL Detachment Commander
1774 Visits
85 Images
Gallery Album
Dept Convention 2024
2. Dept Convention 2024  (9 July--14 July 2024)
3488 Visits
522 Images
Gallery Album
Armed Forces Week 2024
3. Armed Forces Week 2024  (May 10-18 2024)
986 Visits
7 Images
Gallery Album
Youth Law Enforcement Academy 2014
4. Youth Law Enforcement Academy 2014  (6/23-6/28 2024)
2383 Visits
292 Images
Gallery Album
ALA Ray/Grout Reception
5. ALA Ray/Grout Reception  (5 May 2024)
9452 Visits
179 Images
Gallery Album
Oratory Contest
6. Oratory Contest  (March 2 2024)
Constitutional Speech Contest
16123 Visits
14 Images
Gallery Album
Lincoln Pilgramage 2024
7. Lincoln Pilgramage 2024  (2/12/2024)
17712 Visits
82 Images
Gallery Album
Lincoln Pilgrimage - Tomb and Luncheon
8. Lincoln Pilgrimage - Tomb and Luncheon  (2/12/24)
20928 Visits
18 Images
Gallery Album
Pictures w/ Nat'l SAL Commander JR Hall
9. Pictures w/ Nat'l SAL Commander JR Hall  (2/11/24)
17944 Visits
48 Images
Gallery Album
2024 SAL Membership Caravan
10. 2024 SAL Membership Caravan  (1/13/24 - 1/14/24)
22048 Visits
51 Images
Gallery Album
Commander Vozar's Homecoming Celebration
11. Commander Vozar's Homecoming Celebration  (September 30th 2023)
17961 Visits
43 Images
Gallery Album
Detachment Fall DEC (9/30/23)
12. Detachment Fall DEC (9/30/23)  (September 30th 2023)
Detachment of Illinois Fall DEC at Genoa, IL.
17178 Visits
63 Images
Gallery Album
Commander's Homecoming
13. Commander's Homecoming  (16 September 2023)
Random snapshots during the Commander's Homecoming
14309 Visits
66 Images
Gallery Album
Department DEC
14. Department DEC   (16 September 2023)
Division and District Membership Awards
12719 Visits
14 Images
Gallery Album
2nd Division Joint Installation Aux/SAL
15. 2nd Division Joint Installation Aux/SAL  (September 10, 2023)
1 Albums
Shared Folder
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