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Heather's Photos
1 - 55 of 55 Total.
1. Clifford  (May 26, 2021)
697 Visits
28 Images
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Shasta our Cattle Dog
2. Shasta our Cattle Dog  (October 22, 2020)
340 Visits
1 Images
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3. Succulents   (April 10, 2020)
436 Visits
7 Images
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S20 Ultra pics
4. S20 Ultra pics  (March 8, 2020)
1033 Visits
26 Images
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My Succulents 2
5. My Succulents 2  (December 9, 2017)
1053 Visits
15 Images
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My succulents
6. My succulents   (June 27, 2017)
6810 Visits
111 Images
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Wildlife Photography Contest
7. Wildlife Photography Contest  (November 23, 2015)
1026 Visits
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Natomas Rookery
8. Natomas Rookery  (Summer 2015)
These are photos taken at a rookery in Sacramento, CA. The rookery is at an apartment complex in Natomas off of Truxel, near I80. I've spoken to several people, including tenants and wildlife experts, about the situation but I still have a lot of questions. It seems the birds were nesting there before the apartment complex was built, 20+ years ago. Last year was the worst as far as the number of nesting pairs and babies falling out of the nests and dying. It's normal for babies to fall out of the nests but the nests are usually in an area where people aren't around. The parents can continue to care for some of the babies who fall but this area is dangerous with all of the cars, people, and domestic animals around. I know of 3 kinds of birds here, Black-Crowned Night Heron, Snowy Egret, and Cattle Egret...

A group of volunteers go out each morning and afternoon to rescue any fallen babies. We box them up and take them to Wildlife Care Association.

If you have any info about the species or the situation at this apartment complex, please comment on a photo or sign the guest book.

Some of these photos are taken with a camera and some are cell phone shots. I use "him", "he" and "his" when talking about the birds but I don't know any of their genders...
5907 Visits
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Black-Crowned Night Heron Release
9. Black-Crowned Night Heron Release  (June 29, 2015)
This young black-crowned night heron was found about a month ago with a stick "stabbed" in his back. The rescue center and rehab volunteers were able to remove the stick and help him on his way to recovery. FOX 40 news was there when he was released back in to the wild....
1106 Visits
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Watt a Bunch of Bunnies!!!
10. Watt a Bunch of Bunnies!!!  (May 16, 2015)
These five little mini Rex rabbits are the cutest fur balls in town!! The Watt family have the cutest little farm!!
1510 Visits
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Our Backyard Birds
11. Our Backyard Birds  (November 10, 2014)
16254 Visits
420 Images
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Brooktree Creek
12. Brooktree Creek  (July 18, 2014)
7286 Visits
150 Images
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13. Hummingbirds  (July 11, 2014)
If any photographers have any advice for me, please share...How do you shoot hummingbirds? Do you set up lights so you don't have to use flash?
13341 Visits
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Sharp-Shinned Hawk
14. Sharp-Shinned Hawk  (May 9, 2014)
I noticed a lot of grey and white feathers blowing around outside on our deck...hubby went out to investigate, I thought maybe a bird had fallen out of its nest and was injured. I didn't expect to see this hawk feeding on a mockingbird!! He sure made a mess of our backyard...there are still lots of feathers and down all over the place.
1348 Visits
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Our Tadpoles
15. Our Tadpoles  (Spring of 2014)
Join us watch these tiny tadpoles grow and morph into frogs. We have one Bullfrog tadpole and around 20 California Tree Frog tadpoles. The students in room 23 are working hard to keep these babies happy and healthy.
1792 Visits
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16. Science!!  (January 9, 2014)
2081 Visits
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17. Olivia  (January 3, 2014)
9 Albums
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Our New Home
18. Our New Home  (2013)
These are photos of the yard of our new home...no pictures of the inside yet because we're not quite finished.
2003 Visits
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Congo African Grey~The Light of My Life
19. Congo African Grey~The Light of My Life  (April 6, 2006)
UPDATED 7/12/09

This is AnnaBella, formerly known as Harrison. The breeder told us she was male but DNA tests proved otherwise. So, we decided to change her name. Please ignore anything that says "Harrison". Thank You.

4~12~08-AnnaBella talking. I've included a list of what she says.
That's my girl
wanna come out
want some water
hello birds
how are you
i love you
want some water
come on
wanna come out
I'm a star, superstar

Sandy (the dog)
how ya doin girl, you ok?
BIG FART sound, then she says "oooopsie"
more wanna come out...
cluck like a chicken
wanna come out baby girl
want some water?
wanna come out baby girl?
Hiya Hotlips! (HIYA is a bit hard to hear)
gimme kiss

wanna come out
wanna come out baby
want some water
want an almond

Here's a list of vocabluary she's learned over the last 2 years. I started keeping a "journal" of what she says after having her about a year.....

I love you
Hi/hello baby
Whatcha doin?
Hiya Hotlips
Hello bird
Harrison is a (very) pretty biiiiiirrrrrd
Pretty cool
It's OK

Added 4~12~07
Feed the geckos?
You're a good boy. (lol)
How's my baby?
I'm sorry
Hello Buddy
How are you?
He just started saying "no" when he doesn't want to do something. :)

Where's Heather?
I'm Sorry
gootchie-gootchie goo
Go On
I'm trying to teach him "Tell me about it, stud"...you know, the famous line in "Grease"...so far he says "Tell me about it, SSSSS"
He said "Tell me about it, Stud" perfectly. He doesn't always say it perfectly, but most of the time he does.

He's also saying different variations of the phrases in the first group. Like "Whatcha doin boy?" or "Whatcha doin Harrison?" He beeps like the microwave, makes belching and farting sounds, whines like the dog, wolf whistles, and he also kinda mumbles in my husbands voice...I'll say "what did you say?" to my husband...and he didn't say anything at all...it was AnnaBella.

Since we've found out that Harrison (AnnaBella) is female, we've been talking to her as such. She's learned a few new phrases...

Pretty Girl
Good Girl
Wanna Come out and Play?
She's also barking like our dog...she talks to the dog but I can't understand her...she says "blah blah...Sandy!!" (the dog's name)

I had a sneezing episode yesterday and after each sneeze, my husband said "bless you"...well, this morning, AnnaBella made a  sneezing sound and said "bless you" right after. ha.

La Dee Da
Yummy yummy yummy
Stop it Sandy
and she's regularly making sneezing sounds and saying "bless you"

You Go Poopie?
(female voice) "Honey?!"~(male voice) "What?!"
It's alright
Ok bye bye
Bye bye Harrison
You're a good bird, yes you are
Come here
She makes the sound of a soda pop opening

Want a cracker?
Fly, fly, fly!!
Hey, hey, hey!!
What's the matter?
Where's my good birdie?

Hi Sweet Pea
That's my nose, those are my toes
Sandy, shush (Sandy is our dog)

Hey Girl
Go Poopie (in a really high voice, then she poops)
Where's my girl?
Watch birdies (bird DVD)
How's my (little) girl, hmmmm????
That's my (little) girl

I'll be right back
Go outside

Silly girl
Silly bird(y)
Got your nose
WHAT!?~she says that quite often after we say something...as if she didn't quite hear what we said..
Beep (like the phone) Hello? then she says "alright bye bye"
Come on, come on, step up. C'mere baby girl, step up.
I'm sorry
Sandy, chill!!
Where's Denis/Valerie
Hi Heather/Denis/Valerie

She has started clucking like a chicken...I don't know where she got that.
She's also recently started saying "turkey" because I call her that.
When I go to get her out of her cage, she sometimes plays hard to get. Well, she's got what I say down pat.
"wanna come out?" "NO?...ok"...(i walk away)..."turkey!!"...then AnnaBella kinda stomps her feet..."oh you do wanna come out?"..."I thought so"..."Turkey!!"

I'm a star/superstar
cluck cluck chicken
cocka doodle doo good morning
cocka doo doo
wanna go back?
want some water?
You stay right here.
What's going on, buddy?
You wanna come back out?
Where's/who's my little girl?
You're my good girl, yes you are.
Wanna come out and play?
Do you wanna go eat?
Want some mango?
Thank you (my voice)
You're welcome (hubby's voice)
When she sees me eating almost anything, she will say "Want some?"...she also, for some reason, says "Want some here?" I think it's because after she says "want some?" I give her a little bite and I say "here"...that must be why she started that.
Hi Sweet Girl
Where's my sweet girl?
Where's my lil girl
It's ok, buddy
Turkey Lurkey
You're a good girl, Sandy, that's the baby.
When she flies to me, right when she lands on my hand, she says "hello."...it's so cute...she's so 'matter of fact'.
Want a pistachio?
I've been trying to teach her "Okie dokie artichokie" but she says "okie dokie turkey lurkey" instead...it's cute
You are my sunshine...(I'm trying to teach her the song)
Hey, don't bite me.
Stay right there.

I haven't updated AnnaBella's vocabulary list in quite a while. I've been working with her on singing "How much is that birdie in the window?" (just that one line)...she sings it almost perfectly, except instead of singing "window", she sings "gooooooo" (go). She learned "1, 2, 3, gooooo" a long time ago and that's the "goooo" she sings. It's really quite cute. She learns new words/phrases all the time, it would be impossible to write all of it here. The interesting thing is how and when she says certain things. She always says "hello" when she initially sees one of us...she also says "bye bye" and "I love you" (sometimes) when I put her in her cage and walk away. Of course, I've been saying these things to her all along. But she'll now say it to me before I say it to her. She asks for specific foods (grape, cheerio, cracker, celery....etc) at meal times. She says "bless you" to sneezers. She answers yes/no questions for me, asked by my husband..not always the right answer, of course. She was watching TV with me last night...a sad movie...during a part where a female character was crying, she said "ooohhhhhhh"...as if she felt sorry for her. There are so many others...too many to list...as it is, this is too long. I have a video camera, I just don't know how to put the videos on the computer. Some day I'll have videos of her acting "human"...lol. Thanks for looking!!!
27783 Visits
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Watt an Easter
20. Watt an Easter  (March 31, 2013)
3/31/13~Easter at the Watt family farm...
2395 Visits
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21. Graydon  (January 2, 2013)
This is handsome 5 week old Graydon and his very beautiful family.
6 Visits
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Sandy-our Miniature Schnauzer
22. Sandy-our Miniature Schnauzer  (4/2/04-Current)
This is our dog/best bud, Sandy. She's  
salt-n-pepper Miniature Schnauzer.
Sandy was born on January 14, 2004. We don't keep her groomed to look like the typical mini schnauzer, we keep her face trimmed, we think she looks cuter without the beard and she doesn't like her eyebrows hanging in her face. Various photos taken with Kodak Easy Share, Panasonic DMC-FZ20,and Konica Minolta Maxxum 7D
6568 Visits
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23. Ducks  (May 22, 2012)
3072 Visits
39 Images
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Watt A Family Farm
24. Watt A Family Farm  (April 8, 2012)
Easter at the Watt's...
1577 Visits
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Hawk Walk
25. Hawk Walk  (November 27, 2011)
Kay and I went to Marysville, CA where they have West Coast Falconry. They have amazing birds of prey...so pretty...just awesome!!
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The Judds
26. The Judds  (December 12, 2010)
The Judds at Arco Arena in Sacramento, CA. It was really hard to get a good shot of them from where I was sitting. It was dark...and I wasn't allowed to bring my dSLR in with me. I shot these with my Panasonic FZ50. Maybe I'm just not meant to shoot concerts. Ha.
5360 Visits
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Audire Forte
27. Audire Forte  (November 7, 2010)
2695 Visits
5 Images
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Six Flags-Swimming with Dolphins
28. Six Flags-Swimming with Dolphins  (July 31, 2010)
We got to swim and interact with some of the dolphins at Six Flags. It wwas an awesome experience, I can't wait to do it again!!
2452 Visits
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Laura & Brett's Wedding
29. Laura & Brett's Wedding  (June 26, 2010)
17505 Visits
548 Images
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30. Chicks  (May 11, 2010)
2nd grade hatched these cute little chicks....click the pic to make it larger...
2853 Visits
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Sacramento Zoo
31. Sacramento Zoo  (May 8, 2010)
12367 Visits
26 Images
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Davis Arboretum
32. Davis Arboretum  (May 1, 2010)
4836 Visits
14 Images
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Feathered Creatures
33. Feathered Creatures  (April 17, 2010)
Some of these are from Folsom Lake...the chickens and the ducks are from Fair Oaks Park, both in California.
3317 Visits
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34. Leopard Geckos  (2005-Current)
12 Albums
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Dolly Parton Concert
35. Dolly Parton Concert  (December 12, 2004)
What a show this woman puts on!! She is so
beautiful and talented. Plus she has a
wonderful sense of humor. Taken with Panasonic DMC-FZ20. 50 feet from
the stage. Most pics are 12x optical zoom.
Some are 48x zoom.
46493 Visits
69 Images
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Macro Flowers
36. Macro Flowers  (2004-2005)
These flowers are from all over Northern
California. There are so many that I don't
know the names of. If you do, feel free to
comment. Thanks!!
10008 Visits
38 Images
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California Academy of Sciences-Aquarium
37. California Academy of Sciences-Aquarium  (March 7, 2010)
San Fransisco, CA..
4108 Visits
12 Images
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38. Bugs  (2004-2005)
These are various bugs I've been taking
photos of with my Panasonic FZ20. Most with
an Olympus macro lens. Some other photos
taken with KM Maxxum D7. Look for more soon!
7747 Visits
19 Images
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Squirrels and Deer
39. Squirrels and Deer  (2004-2005)
These are various photos of quirrels and

deer taken at local parks. The squirrels

really have a lot of personality. They're

5732 Visits
26 Images
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Oakland Zoo
40. Oakland Zoo  (February 25, 2005)
6676 Visits
30 Images
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Ducks, Geese, and other birds
41. Ducks, Geese, and other birds  (2004-2005)
7552 Visits
27 Images
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Sea World Comes to Sacramento
42. Sea World Comes to Sacramento  (2005)
3763 Visits
11 Images
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43. SacZoo  (October 16, 2004)
Pictures of some animals from the Sacramento Zoo with a Panasonic DMC-FZ20. This zoo has reduced the number of animals they have. They don't have elephants and the hippo that had been there since I was a kid died. They used to have different kinds of bears, but I don't know where they went.
4929 Visits
9 Images
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Marine World
44. Marine World  (May 14, 2005)
We went to Marine World today. Thank goodness we have season passes, we didn't get to see everything. That place was packed!! Hope to add more photos in a few weeks...last 25 taken with Panasonic FZ20

First 25 photos taken with Konica Minolta Maxxum 7D
7999 Visits
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Moon series April
45. Moon series April  (April, 2005)
Moon shots taken in Black and White unless otherwise specified.
4492 Visits
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Misc photos
46. Misc photos  (2004-2005)
8391 Visits
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Crested Gecko
47. Crested Gecko  (Adoption Date:October 26, 2005)
This little guy/gal is so fun to watch. He
is very photogenic and has quite the
attitude. I hope to have him for years to

Rydell died sometime in the night on 2/20/06. He hadn't been eating well and I was hand feeding him...RIP little dude.
11826 Visits
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48. Announcement  (July 5, 2007)
3525 Visits
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Russian Tortoise (Black)
49. Russian Tortoise (Black)  (October 22, 2006)
Name: Georgia/Georgie depending on gender.

I bought this lil one on 10/22/06. I don't know the gender yet so for now, she's a she. She's around 6 weeks old and weighs 30 grams. I'll be adding photos probably weekly, so check back!! :) The red dot on her back is a mark put there by the breeder.
6465 Visits
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Step Christmas Party
50. Step Christmas Party  (December 15, 2007)
4303 Visits
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Button Quail and Aussie
51. Button Quail and Aussie  (December 13, 2006)
3533 Visits
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Itty Bitty Betty
52. Itty Bitty Betty  (July 28, 2007)
Hatchling Leopard Gecko
3558 Visits
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Hatchling Leopard Gecko Named Fancy
53. Hatchling Leopard Gecko Named Fancy  (May 12, 2007)
7878 Visits
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Curly, the Leopard Gecko
54. Curly, the Leopard Gecko  (March 18, 2007)
Hatch date 2/15/07. He was hatched with a funky tail. It's curly at the end and has a different texture. That's the main reason I liked him. Ha.
8144 Visits
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~Hatchling Leopard Gecko~
55. ~Hatchling Leopard Gecko~  (January 13, 2007)
Name: Spirit

I got this little one from East Bay Vivarium in Berkeley, CA. S/he is absolutely wild..a lot of fun. Can't wait to see what s/he looks like as an adult.
5943 Visits
50 Images
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