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Former six-year board member of Greenpeace Germany, Monika Griefahn chaired the Committee for Culture and Media of the Federal German Parliament when she replied to a letter from two chemtrails dissenters in July 2004, stating, “I am in basic agreement with your concerns...[about] experiments of various kinds that are being carried out in the earth’s atmosphere ...I share your concern over the use of aluminum or barium compounds which have considerable toxic potential,”

“At last!” announced a German science magazine. “There we have it. In the skies of Germany, Social Democratic member of Parliament Monika Griefahn tells us, aluminum and barium compounds are being spread just as tens of thousands of concerned citizens have observed, documented and bitterly deplored...
But the public outcry in Europe will have to spread to North America if we are to stop this massive, illegal and continuing air and atmospheric pollution."
"who and how can the Money Masters, the banker elites + Rothschild dynasty, Bill Gates, Kissinger w/ Rockefeller, Soros the bag man, Brzezinski etc., be taken down for the worldwide crimes? Financial and soft kill? they truly rule the world and $$$ rules the insiders they encourage for the vote. slimy at best. Hitler would of been proud of these guys!" --melinda, 11/20/11
copyright Glenn Boyle
Jenoptik Optical Co,ltd JD4100Z3S Hide EXIF / IPTC
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Date/Time Original2014:10:05 08:42:13
Date/Time Digitized2014:10:05 08:42:13
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Photo 129 of 376, chemtrails_kassel_17092004.jpg, 36KB, 800x610, 253 Hits
Other Sizes: Small Medium Original Large X-Large
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