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Comments from Ken Welch excerpeted from an article exclusive to, 1/5/06:

"Several things were immediately apparent about the spray planes.  First, they weren't high enough to be making contrails and even if they were, the sprayed liquid was flashing into voluminous white visibility much too fast to have any connection with the process by which moisture in 1000 degree (F) jet exhaust can freeze into visible ice crystals. Second, you could literally watch the crew turn the pumps on and off [as the trails were being laid]...   Third, during the first six months or so, all the photographed planes were military refueling tankers, the aircraft that have the role of implementing Uncle Sam's chemical and biological warfare missions."
"" --Володя Ващишин, 02/02/10
"Fox 2 Chief Meteorologist – Dave Murray has a discussion going on Chemtrails, on his Facebook account! It is important that we get tons of people to make comments before he decides to take it down. Please pass this along!/pages/Dave-Murray-on-FOX-2/125858287467545?v=app_2373072738" --Jake, 11/08/10
"But why are they sraying, don't they know the government is kill us and making us sick. Why won't they stop sraying the are destorying the ozone." --nasa2985, 02/22/11
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