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Not a natural cloud in sight in this image.  A good example of the attempt to make chemtrails appear more like  normal clouds.

Why do so many images show orbs mingled with the chemtrails?  What is the purpose of these orbs?  The orbs seemingly defy gravity, appearing to hang effortlessly in the atmosphere.  Curiously, they are never noticed by the photographer at the time images are taken but show up in the developed images.
"These orbs are part of the Nibiru System that is now within Earth' atmosphere. All along the purpose of the chemtrails has been to occlude it from being viewed." --Mary Paino, 02/02/15
copyright Glenn Boyle
Nikon D50 Full EXIF / IPTC
Photo 238 of 376, Chemtrail-a-new-kind-5 copy.jpg, 44KB, 800x531, 44 Hits
Other Sizes: Small Medium Large Original X-Large
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