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"This seems highly unusual, if you ask me.   I've tried to find a natural cause for it.  These pouches resemble the unusual cloud element called mammatus, but mammatus is only present on the underside of a cumulonimbus in warm weather, and this was the underside of  a thin, flat stratus in December.*  There is also the blurry, vibrating characteristic which isn't easily accounted for.
I wondered if more was involved here than met the eye. I began to notice that our clouds were a whole lot more bizarre than I could have thought possible. I started to see how many (most!) are being created from chemtrails.  The beautiful cumulus clouds which filled the skies of my childhood were nonexistent.  I realized I hadn't seen a single cumulonimbus all summer. Most of the clouds over Duluth are fake!  I know that sounds crazy."
copyright Glenn Boyle
Sony Cybershot Full EXIF / IPTC
Photo 132 of 376, sunrise2.jpg, 20KB, 800x600, 62 Hits
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