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More stunning evidence of a Chemtrail/Morgellons connection;  Recent microscopic examination of rainwater by researcher, Lisa Jones has revealed contamination with pathogens that have strong similarities to the Morgellons pathogen.  This raindrop image shows a fiber-like lattice with a lighter colored tube that appears to contain baby Morgellons pathogens. The "thornes" on the lattice appear to be designed to cause the organism to stick and catch on skin and clothing. The unnatural looking orangish-pink glow in certain areas of this tube look just like the unnatural appearing orange-pink glowing points that show up on many of the Morgellons organisms.  Chemtrail dispersion of Morgellons  would be an obvious explanation as to why this stuff is showing up in rainwater. IMAGE COPYRIGHT LISA JONES">
"Un freaking believable!! They adapted micro thorns on the chem trails. As a soccer coach and trainer I have seen and have warned my students and coaches of these fake clouds and houw it has to be harming us in some way, but only a few believe, the rest say I am paranoid that our goverment would never harm us.. yeah right!!!!!" --norbert L, 10/09/11
"My son participated in crew while in high school. This meant getting up at 4:30 am and going to crew practice before school. The lake he rowed on was right next to the coast off San Francisco. I was already aware that chemtrails were frequently laid off the coast just before dawn. By the time they blew over the city they had morphed into those fake clouds, becoming less noticable. One morning during crew practice I received a call from my son's coach. My son had experienced a major asthma attack while rowing and had to be taken to the emergency room. My son had never had asthma symptoms before. This happened on a morning when the spray activity had been especially heavy. I am convinced that the chemtrails were responsible for what happened to my son. The attack was so severe he could have died." --GlennGlennB, 10/14/11
copyright Glenn Boyle
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