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The technology of the black lines is not known to the public at this time. The darkening of the sky suggests a possible space/time warp.

Or perhaps this is a type of energy beam that remotely controlled spray drones are guided by.
"I saw this same black beam while the planes were chemtrailing us in las vegas november 6th. I thought it was odd and i wish i would have taken pictures. It was beaming towards the ground, like the one here" --dom, 11/07/10
"I saw one of these in Denver a couple weeks ago ahead of a chemtrail plane. I couldn't fathom on what I was seeing at the time but it was exactly like this" --Blaze, 01/12/11
"I saw one of these in the sky earlier this year.. I live in the Southern US and one day as I was walking out onto my back patio I happened to look up. Above me, cutting directly through the center of a cloud, was a distinct, perfectly straight black line.. It was thin and seemingly had no starting or stopping point(!). I assumed it was some type of laser because the actual beam was uniform in size as far as I could see..and it was perfectly straight." --ARoberts, 07/13/11
"This ocurred in Miami roughly 5 months or so ago. from horizon to horizon, I tried to show my neighbors but they didn't seem interested. I found it unusual and amazing my camera phone wasn't charged at the time. I thought it was some type of reverse rainbow. I can't believe the news would not take note of it as unusual as it was." --CW, 12/21/11
"Saw one of these today,never noticed one before and I`m always checking the sky for this crap..(23/03/12)had a jet spraying following on the same line over Crickhowell,Wales..more spraying all the time nearly..not soo much on Sundays!! off maybe..hmmmm" --Guzzibob, 03/23/12
"This "beam" is in fact the shadow from the Chemtrail disappearing off into the distance. This would occur when the Sun is in line along the length of the deposited trail. This is enhanced by the already high particulate counts in the atmosphere." --Stephen Herbst, 12/02/12
"The chemtrail in this images diverges from the black beam. Does not appear to me to portray a shadow." --Glenn, 03/06/13
copyright Glenn Boyle
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