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The increase in burial casket manufacturing profits rose 12% from 2005 to 2006.  I am still looking for all the figures for 1997 (when the chemtrail spraying first became widely noticed)  through 2007.  Financial advisers have named Burial Casket Manufacturing as one of the top growth industries for the last five years.  It is very difficult to get dependable, complete official figures on mortality rates.  Most of the relevant figures I have searched for on official sites are UA (unavailable).

In luie of official figures one may attempt to deduce the truth of the matter (the effect of chemtrails on the mortality rates) by looking at casket manufacturing statistics and also by comparing the number of listings in the obituaries sections of newspapers, comparing death rates for pre-chemtrail years  with the figures for years since the chemtrail operations started.  The recently reported decline in life expectancy tends to support the apparent rise in the death rate.
copyright Glenn Boyle
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