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Misty sun and moon halos now being seen around the earth fulfill one of the last signs, according to Hopi propecy, that signals the end of an age  and that a Great Purification is about to begin.

"'Now we are at the very end of our trail. Many people no longer recognize the true path of the Great Spirit. They have, in fact, no respect for the Great Spirit or for our precious Mother Earth, who gives us all life.
Nature itself does not speak with a voice that we can easily understand... Who in this world can speak for nature and the spiritual energy that creates and flows through all life?''

Banyacya said it is necessary for human beings that have not separated themselves from the land and nature to speak out.
"If we humans do not wake up to the warnings, the great purification will come to destroy this world just as the previous worlds were destroyed.'' _ Hopi spiritual leader, Banyacya
Hopi Prophecy
copyright Glenn Boyle
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