LIFE EXPECTANCY DROPS TO 69.3 YEARS IN THE USA HOW MUCH IS 8 YEARS OF YOUR LIFE WORTH? In 2003 life expectancy in the USA was 77.6 years. The drop to 69.3 years since 2003, a drop of over 8 years in less than 6 years, is startling information. This period of time just happens to coincide with a time when there has been non-stop spraying of chemtrails coast to coast on an almost daily basis. There is plenty of scientific research proving that any increase in airborne particulates causes a corresponding increase in the death rate of the exposed population so imo the chemtrails are a glaringly obvious factor in this significant drop in expected life span. TO PUT IT BLUNTLY IT APPEARS THAT THE CHEMTRAILS ARE ROBBING EVERYONE IN THE USA OF 8 YEARS OF LIFE. ARTICLE AT RENSE.COM "What can I say? That's sad, very sad!" --Roberta Das Merces, 06/25/09 "Here is the article -" --Glenn, 07/08/09 "Thank you very much for providing that link." --Glenn, 07/10/09 "That appears to be wrong" --Liam, 10/19/09 "Well, that is interesting. That link was working. First the original article on life expectancy disappeared and now the link doesn't work. A glitch or sabotage?" --Glenn, 10/21/09 "Here's Dr. Teller's paper Global Warming & Ice Ages that lays out the Chemtrail project" --JK, 12/20/09 "want to know why chemicals are falling from the sky, it has nothing to do with secret projects. just read the newspaper, the wind blows from China to the US, China has no controls on pollution. Hence the heavy metals. Also, since Bush Sr. folks have voted Repulican in Congress and most the of the time for President. What did Bush & Bush do with that "mandate". They gutted the clean air act. Now American powerplants (many in the west and southwest) also pollute the air with heavy metals, etc. Its no secret, its just that nobody reads the actual news. Its more fun to make up reasons for stuff. That way you can blame not actually educating yourself with a government conspiracy to "hide" the information." --jim, 01/03/10 "Honestly jim, don't you ever look up at the sky? Or just look at the hundreds of chemtrail images on this site. I assure you that these chemtrails are not blowing over from China." --glennb, 01/05/10 "The times are getting closer........Call upon the Lord and prepare to carry the cross my brothers and sister fore we are in the end times and the times will prevail. God awaits us!" --Shad, 03/04/10 "This article is entirely false. Glenn, thats probably why the link doesn't work anymore, they must have taken it down (amid complaints, I would imagine). The Life expectancy in the U.S. in 2009 was 77.9 years. And the overall death rate has dropped from recent years. I definitely think that chemtrails are real, and harmful, but this article is just blatantly false. Mistake? Or Disinformation?" --Melly Melle, 03/16/10 "Article is true." --PLovering, 04/14/10 "To learn about this more, contact or study from; Cliff Carnicom, at, my friend Dr. R. Michael Castle at, Dr. Nick Begich at, Col. Tom Beardon at, or, or watch Dr. Hildegard Staninger youtube on (smart dust) and Dr. William Deagle at or or in an interview with project Then watch youtube video seeds of deception, and then learn about codex alimentarius" --equalizer, 04/27/10 "Melly,
I do not think the article is false. It was published by a reputable source. It certainly backs up my informal research into the obit sections of the local newspaper comparing pre chemtrail years with chemtrail years. According to what I found the death rate has exploded. Also, scientists in Russia recently estimated that there have been over two millions sudden unexplained deaths in the USA in the last few years. And coffin sales are up. I think the article disappeared because it would raise too many questions as to why the sudden drop in life expectancy." --Glenn, 05/03/10 "I'v been looking @ dust collected Via HEPA under a 500x biological microscope & if you think it's false,I recomend you get a check up from the neck up.S.O.S,Stuck on Stupid is a condition you are suffering from please get it corrected.ASAP" --LOVE to ALL, 01/21/11 "národy spojte se,jde nám o život i našich dětí." --321950, 02/19/11 "I believe the article is true. There is a ton of scientific research proving that increased airborn particulates cause a corresponding increase in the death rate of the exposed population. After nearly 14 years of being repeatedly subjected to chemtrails and all the toxic chem ingredients it would hardly be a surprise if these lower life expectancy figures are true. Based upon the huge increase in the number of listings in obit columns over the last decade or so it appears to me that more people are dying and dying younger." --GlennB, 12/03/11 "Please. Support the action to the stop of spraying in the Europa skies.
Thank you very much!.
Jose Carlos." --Jose Carlos, 03/12/17 | |
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