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A new card to checklist from the 1910 Janssen Litho "Rob Roy" series devoted to the Johnson-Jeffries fight.  Of particular interest is the image of Bob Armstrong, a black fighter known as "King of the Battle Royal".  His in-ring career spanned roughly 1893-1912 and he worked into the 1930s as a sparring partner.  In 1896 he won the World Colored Heavyweight Championship.  He fought a number of HOFers, including Joe Choynski and Jim Jeffries, and worked as a sparring partner for them and also for Bob Fitzsimmons and Tom Sharkey.  Card #A-13
Photo 49 of 294, 1910 Rob Roy A 13.jpg, 109KB, 640x415, 506 Hits
Other Sizes: Medium Large Original
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