1 IMG 5413 Phillip Dutton and Amazing Odyssey over the New Corner
| 2 Bonnie Mosser on Jenga
| 3 3 magic beans (2)
4 buck and private treaty
| 5 IMG 4244 William Fox-Pitt entering at A on Coup de Coeur
| 6 IMG 4252 William Fox-Pitt
7 IMG 4254 Halting at G in front of judge Angela Tucker
| 8 IMG 4267
| 9 IMG 4327 Andrew Hoy on Yeoman's Point
10 IMG 4338 Andrew Hoy happy with his test on Yeman's Point
| 11 IMG 4352 Robert Dover and Mark Phillips
| 12 P1010080 Amy Tryon on Woodstock in the warm-up, photo by Liana Copploa
13 P1010085.1 photo of Amy Tryon by Liana Coppola
| 14 P1010118 Amy Tryon on Woodstock, by Liana Coppola
| 15 IMG 4355 Amy Tryon on Woodstock
16 P1010122 All 's Fair with Ashley MacVaugh; photo by Liana Coppola
| 17 IMG 4371 John Williams on the way in, passing Ashley MacVaugh on her way out
| 18 IMG 4377 John Williams on Sloopy
19 IMG 4389 Getting a critique from Robert Dover
| 20 IMG 4405 Northern Spy
| 21 IMG 4424 Ralph Hill on Bad Boy Billy and Ian Roberts on Napalm
22 IMG 4427 Ian Roberts and Napalm
| 23 P1010036 Bruce Davidson and Little Tricky, photo by Liana Coppola
| 24 IMG 4432 Lauren O'Brien on Dunrath Alto
25 IMG 4438 Heidi White and Northern Spy
| 26 IMG 4448 Northern Spy's medium canter
| 27 IMG 4453 Heidi waiting for her scores
28 IMG 4460 Heidi and Robert
| 29 IMG 4462 Getting feedback
| 30 IMG 4470 Amy Tryon surrounded by fans
31 IMG 4476 On the SmartPak coursewalk
| 32 IMG 4484 Sizing up the rolltop at the first water, fence 7a
| 33 IMG 4486 Kim and Amy at The Squirrels
34 IMG 4496 Kim scoping out the Head of the Lake, fence 20a
| 35 IMG 4519 Kim Severson on Royal Venture, extended trot
| 36 IMG 4541 Flying change
37 IMG 4561.1 Gina Miles on McKinlaigh, medium trot
| 38 IMG 4582 Gina Miles
| 39 IMG 4590 Ring stewards
40 IMG 4596 Jessica Heideman and French Twist
| 41 IMG 4605 Final salute
| 42 IMG 4624 Leslie Law and Shear L'Eau
43 IMG 4647 Ralp Hill being congratulated on his dressage
| 44 IMG 4663.1 Bonnie Mosser and Jenga, with Robert Dover
| 45 IMG 4681.1 Natalie Bouckaert and West Farthing
46 IMG 4711 Sara Mittleider and her father, Gary
| 47 IMG 4707 William and Alice Fox-Pitt watching Polly Stockton's test
| 48 IMG 4723 Young dressage friends
49 IMG 4750 Polly Stockton and Tom Quigley
| 50 IMG 4779 Emma Winter and Mahogany Chief
| 51 IMG 4809.1 Kelli McMullen Temple on Paris
52 IMG 4829 Darren Chiacchia on Windfall II
| 53 P1010183 Darren Chiacchia; photo by Liana Coppola
| 54 IMG 4846.1 Amazing turnout!
55 darren-seq Darren and Windfall, extended trot
| 56 IMG 4993 Darren, signing autographs in the trade fair
| 57 IMG 4914 William Fox-Pitt and Mr Dumbledore with coordinated tails
58 IMG 4970 Amy Tryon on Poggio II
| 59 P1010236 Stephen Bradley on Brandenburg's Joshua; photo by Liana Coppola
| 60 Course walk Kelli Temple and Darren Chiacchia, looking at the course one more time
61 IMG 5008 Buck Davidson and Hyperlite at the newTrakehner, fence 6
| 62 IMG 5053 Andrew Hoy and Yeoman's Point
| 63 IMG 5061 Amy Tryon and Woodstock heading to the Keeper's Brush
64 P1010031 photo of Heidi White by Liana Coppola
| 65 IMG 5096 Heidi White on Northern Spy, almost home
| 66 IMG 5101 Dunrath Alto being cooled out
67 IMG 5103 Darren congratulating Heidi White
| 68 IMG 5109 Sarah Cousins on Troy at The Bank and Splash, fence 26c
| 69 IMG 5116 Sarah Cousins over fence 26d
70 IMG 5118 Pony Club outriders
| 71 IMG 5125.1 Ursula Brush and Bru Maguire at the Bank and Splash, fence 26abcd
| 72 IMG 5132 Nina Fout and 3 Magic Beans, with admirers before xc
73 IMG 5134.1 Mara Dean on Nicki Henley, heading for the start box
| 74 IMG 5136 Out of the start box
| 75 IMG 5139
76 IMG 5145
| 77 IMG 5147 Bru Maguire getting cooled off
| 78 IMG 5148 Lauren O'Brien walking Dunrath Alto back to the barn after xc
79 IMG 5150 Kristen Bond and Blackout at 26d
| 80 IMG 5151
| 81 IMG 5160 Donna Smith and Call Me Clifton
82 IMG 5171 Aren't I the princess
| 83 IMG 5179 Becky Holder and Courageous Comet over the first
| 84 IMG 5182
85 IMG 5189
| 86 IMG 5191 Jenna Schildmier on her own Tumble Dry at Uncle Frani's Birch, fence 8
| 87 P1010048 photo of Jenna by Liana Coppola
88 IMG 5198 Lesley Grant of Canada on Timber Spirit
| 89 lauren o'brien seq Lauren at the coffin, fence 8
| 90 IMG 5201 Buck Davidson on Private Treaty at fence 5
91 IMG 5216.1 Boyd Martin of Australia on Ying Yang Yo, at the Head of the Lake
| 92 IMG 5218
| 93 IMG 5258 Tom Angle, long-time Area Steward for Head of the Lake
94 IMG 5231 Kim Severson and Royal Venture, heading for a splash
| 95 IMG 5234 KIm and Vennie parting company
| 96 P1010057 photo by Liana Coppola
97 IMG 5251 Gina Miles and McKinlaigh
| 98 IMG 5252
| 99 IMG 5262 Molly Hooper Bull and Kiltartan
100 IMG 5271
| 101 IMG 5285 Jessica Heidemann and French Twist at the Ducks, fence 20c
| 102 IMG 5291.1 Ralph Hill and Bad Boy Billy on the way in
103 IMG 5292
| 104 IMG 5293
| 105 IMG 5303.1 Bonnie Mosser on Jenga, taking the long way
106 P1010068 Bonnie Mosser at the Creek Oxer; photo by Liana Coppola
| 107 IMG 5320.1 Sara Mittleider and El Primero at the Squirrels, fence 12b
| 108 IMG 5356 Emma Winter on Mahogany Chief at fence 14, Ditch and Palisade
109 IMG 5325 Karen O'Connor and Upstage
| 110 IMG 5326 Karen and "Woodie" at the Triple Brushes, fence 16a
| 111 IMG 5366 Kelli McMullen Temple on Paris, reapproaching 17c after a runout
112 IMG 5344 Will Faudree and Antigua at the New Corner, fence 13
| 113 IMG 5345.1
| 114 IMG 5347
115 P1010079 Will Faudree, by Liana Coppola
| 116 IMG 5377 Darren Chiacchia and Windfall at the Hollow, fence 15abcd
| 117 IMG 5383 Fence 15b, bounce banks
118 IMG 5391.1 Ian Roberts and Napalm
| 119 IMG 5402 William Fox-Pitt and Mr. Dumbledore at the Shelter, fence 16a
| 120 IMG 5432 Andrew Hoy and Master Monarch at Fence 17a
121 P1010121 Ashley MacVaugh and All's Fair in the third horse inspection; photo by Liana Coppola
| 122 P1010135 Ursula Brush and Bru Maguire in the jog-up; photo by Liana Coppola
| 123 P1010149 Becky Holder matching Courageous Comet's step in the jog-up; photo by Liana Coppola
124 P1010163 Ralph Hill and Bad Boy Billy; photo by Liana Coppola
| 125 will at jog photo by Liana Coppola
| 126 showjumping arena
127 P1010193 Presenting the colors; photo by Liana Coppola
| 128 Show jumping course walk Polly Stockton and Emma Winter listening to British team coach Yogi Breisner
| 129 IMG 5436 Kim Severson fixing Bonnie Mosser's stock
130 IMG 5442 Kim with Kristin Bachman, Sara Mittleider and Jessica Heidemann
| 131 Mark, Will, Bonnie, Heidi Waiting for the course to open
| 132 ursula and bru 2
133 sara seq
| 134 IMG 5609 Sara Mittleider and "Tony"
| 135 will and antigua
136 IMG 5653 Boyd Martin and Ying Yang Yo
| 137 IMG 5690 Stephen Bradley on Josh
| 138 The beautiful course Kristen Bond and Blackout
139 john williams and sloopy
| 140 lauren o'brien and dunrath alto
| 141 jenna and tumble dry
142 IMG 5715 Karen O'Connor with Upstage
| 143 IMG 5742 Amy Tryon on Woodstock
| 144 IMG 5750 Jessica Heidemann and French Twist
145 P1010247 Phillip Dutton on Amazing Odyssey; photo by Liana Coppola
| 146 P1010290 John Williams on Sloopy; photo by Liana Coppola
| 147 ralph and bad boy billy
148 phillip dutton and connaught
| 149 P1010293 Phillip Dutton on Connaught; photo by Liana Coppola
| 150 P1010294 photo by Liana Coppola
151 P1010329 Polly Stockton on Tom Quigley in the rain; photo by Liana Coppola
| 152 IMG 5777 Polly Stockton on Tom Quigley
| 153 IMG 5839 Andrew Hoy's victory gallop
154 IMG 5843
| 155 P1010009 Photo of me by Liana Coppola
| 156 IMG 5004 Assistant photographer Liana Coppola