We traveled to Standing Rock, North Dakota in support of the Sioux fight to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline, taking donations and winter supplies. We stayed at the main camp, Oceti Sakowin. I am so grateful to all the people who recognize the importance of this effort, both on behalf of indigenous rights, and climate change.
Visit www.ocetisakowincamp.org to learn more.
Date(s): November 4-7, 2016. Album by Evalyn Bemis. Photos by Evalyn Bemis. 1 - 30 of 30 Total. 2902 Visits.
1 NoDAPL-26
2 NoDAPL-30
3 NoDAPL-32
4 NoDAPL-52
5 NoDAPL-61
6 NoDAPL-88
7 NoDAPL-94
8 NoDAPL-103 The pipeline construction seen from camp