1 047 Charlie Dennehy and Elusive in the $25000 Las Campanas Grand Prix de Santa Fe
|  2 024 Chenoa McElvain and Charley Chaplin in the Jr/AO
|  3 001 Alexandra Hall on Kilteel Topaz, winners of the $5000 Century Bank CH/AA Jumper Classic
 4 022 Navona Gallegos and Carlino 4, in the CH/AA class
|  5 002 Steve Turilli and King Morgan in the $7000 Sandia BMW Jr/AO Jumper Classic
|  6 011 14-year-old Chenoa McElvain and her cousin, before Chenoa's afternoon ride in the Grand Prix
 7 020 Getting ready
|  8 012 Omar Sharif getting a pat from an admirer
|  9 004 Sharn Wordley's dad, Steve, from New Zealand.
 10 028 Sarah Boon and Toon Town in the CH/AA class
|  11 029 Sarah Boon and Toon Town
|  12 019 Dan Marks, DVM, Ira Shulman, and John Snyder, DVM
 13 030 Amanda McConnell and A Twist of China
|  14 IMG 6184 Amanda and Twist
|  15 030 Awaiting the final ride in the CH/AA: (L-R) Amanda McConnell, John McConnell, Alex Hall, and Kris McConnell
 16 032 Alexandra Hall and Kilteel Topaz, winners of the $5000 Century Bank CH/AA Jumper Classic
|  17 023 Alexander Vanderrest and Countdown, 7th in the Jr/AO
|  18 008 Maggie Lang and Lanciana in the Jr/AO
 19 007 Maggie Lang on Lanciana
|  20 025 Maggie Lang and Lanciana
|  21 021 Beauty parlor
 22 009 Laura Teodori and Hello du Hequet in Jr/AO
|  23 IMG 6038 Chenoa McElvain and Charley Chaplin in the Jr/AO
|  24 026 Guy McElvain and Chapeaurouge, over the Rancho Corazon planks
 25 013 Guy McElvain and Chapeaurouge, winners of the Jr/AO
|  26 027 Guy and Chapeaurouge
|  27 034 Maggie Lang's Mexx, memorizing the course for the Jr/AO Jumper Classic
 28 035 Maggie Lang and Mexx
|  29 IMG 6024 Erin Davis and October Hill's Tlalpan in the Jr/AO
|  30 IMG 6232 Erin Davis and October Hill's Tlalpan
 31 IMG 6087 Linda Law and Ciara in the Jr/AO
|  32 005 Chapeaurouge, winner of the $7000 Sandia BMW Jr/AO Jumper Classic
|  33 036 Brian Gonzales, MC, Christian Rogge, and Guy McElvain, winner of the Jr/AO
 34 037 Guy and Chapeaurouge take their victory gallop
|  35 018 Level 5 speed class
|  36 038
 37 IMG 6272
|  38 016 The course walk for the Grand Prix
|  39 IMG 6266 Course designer Jerry Dougherty with riders Charlie Dennehy and Sharn Wordley
 40 039 Christian Rogge
|  41 040 Last-minute touch up for John McConnell and Lapicolina
|  42 041 John McConnell and Lapicolina
 43 044 Jenni Martin and Amerdon's Grand Noir
|  44 014 Dorothy Cox and Ultime de la Aamente in the $25,000 Las Campanas Grand Prix de Santa Fe
|  45 042 Allison Kroff and Omar Sharif
 46 043 Allison and Omar
|  47 045 Paul Rohrbach and Jack of Hearts
|  48 010
 49 066 Sharn Wordley and Mr Flanagan on their way to the win
|  50 046 Sharn Wordley and Mr Flanagan
|  51 IMG 6450 Checking back to see if the rail stayed up
 52 048 Paul Rohrbach and Shiraz
|  53 IMG 6482 Paul Rohrbach and Shiraz
|  54 P5280060 Paul Rohrbach and Shiraz
 55 052 Chenoa and Courchevel
|  56 IMG 6535 Chenoa McElvain, the youngest competitor at 14 years old
|  57 051 Chenoa McElvain, clear over the final fence
 58 053 Jenni Martin and Fly
|  59 IMG 6578 Jenni Martin and Fly
|  60 054 Krista Blew and Acordian
 61 015 Krista Blew and Acordian
|  62 055 Bjorn Ikast
|  63 056 Bjorn Ikast
 64 061 Allison Kroff and Miss Hans in the jump-off
|  65 057 Allison Kroff and Miss Hans
|  66 049 Jenni Martin and V de Pomme
 67 060 Allison and Omar over fence 1
|  68 059 Allison Kroff and Omar Sharif in the jump-off
|  69 IMG 6348 Allison and Omar over the last
 70 058 John McConnell and Lapiocolina in the jump-off
|  71 065 John McConnell and Lapicolina over the last fence in the jump-off
|  72 IMG 6560 Paul Rohrbach and O So Easy
 73 IMG 6562 Paul Rohrbach and O So Easy
|  74 064 Bjorn Ikast
|  75 067 Christian Rogge
 76 068
|  77 IMG 6590
|  78 P5280086 Bjorn Ikast
 79 063 John McConnell - The End
|  80 062 Grand Prix winner Sharn Wordley receiving his $7500 first place check from title sponsor Las Campanas
|  81 069 Jenni Martin, 2nd on V de Pomme, and Sharn Wordley, 1st on Mr Flanagan