1 2009GPdeSF-Sun219 Grand Prix winner Bjorn Ikast, on Monte Cristo, with Clara Ikast
| 2 2009GPdeSF-Fri269 John Pearce on Chianto
| 3 2009GPdeSF-Fri017 Hayden Morrisy on Cha Ching
4 2009GPdeSF-Fri065
| 5 2009GPdeSF-Fri159Twilight
| 6 2009GPdeSF-Fri175 Chenoa McElvain on Zappa J
7 2009GPdeSF-Fri045+KellyBogaard Cody
| 8 2009GPdeSF-Fri069BjornClaraIkast
| 9 2009GPdeSF-Fri088
10 2009GPdeSF-Fri181SarahWilliams
| 11 2009GPdeSF-Fri209JanetHirscher
| 12 2009GPdeSF-Fri240
13 2009GPdeSF-Sat046HilaryCarel
| 14 2009GPdeSF-Sat033
| 15 2009GPdeSF-Fri103
16 2009GPdeSF-Sat059
| 17 2009GPdeSF-Sat080 Jessie Pyfer on Sosha
| 18 2009GPdeSF-Sat118
19 2009GPdeSF-Sat156 Jessie and Sosha back at the barn
| 20 2009GPdeSF-Sat084BlaireMiller
| 21 2009GPdeSF-Sat185 Jackie Smith
22 2009GPdeSF-Sat209AnnFrankel HereAndNow
| 23 2009GPdeSF-Sat214 Sharon McElvain on LaMarque
| 24 2009GPdeSF-Sat220 Ezsa Barrack on her own Billy Ray-Y
25 2009GPdeSF-Sat236+ Caitlin Houlihan on Double O Seven
| 26 2009GPdeSF-Sat245
| 27 2009GPdeSF-Sun013 Bjorn Ikast on Monte Cristo
28 2009GPdeSF-Sun014BjornIkast MonteCristo
| 29 2009GPdeSF-Sun024 Chenoa McElvain on Nele
| 30 2009GPdeSF-Sun045ChenoaMcElvain Nele Chenoa McElvain on Nele
31 2009GPdeSF-Sun107 Anne Frankel and Here And Now, winners of the Heart of the Horse Award
| 32 2009GPdeSF-Sun146 Sarah Tredennick on her own Special Verdict
| 33 2009GPdeSF-Sat144
34 2009GPdeSF-Sun154 Julia Davey on Rancho Corazon's Casanova
| 35 2009GPdeSF-Sun155
| 36 2009GPdeSF-Sun162
37 2009GPdeSF-Sun166 Alex Granato and Mad Season
| 38 2009GPdeSF-Sun167 Alex Granato and Mad Season
| 39 2009GPdeSF-Sun173 Brandie Holloway and Gabriella Z
40 2009GPdeSF-Sun194
| 41 2009GPdeSF-Sun199 John Pearce and Slyvester
| 42 2009GPdeSF-Sun203Bjorn+Clara
43 2009GPdeSF-Sun211 Presenting the Heart of the Horse award
| 44 2009GPdeSF-Sun213BrianGonzales
| 45 2009GPdeSF-Sun220 Monte Cristo checking out the roses
46 2009GPdeSF-Sun231 Zach is a Grand Prix fan
| 47 2009GPdeSF-Sun 0001BrianGonzales
| 48 2009GPdeSF-Fri098