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19th Century
Date(s): October 18, 2007. Album by Chris. 1 - 21 of 21 Total. 8390 Visits.
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Old Judge Keefe & Richardson

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Old Judge Mike Kelly

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Old Judge Dan Casey

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Old Judge Cabinet Cap Anson

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Gypsy Queen Jim McCormick

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Jim Mutrie

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1889 Danville IL Minor League team - my hometown!

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Old Hoss Radbourn

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Arthur Irwin

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Old Judge Cabinet Buck Ewing and Mascot

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George Van Haltren

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Pud Galvin

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Mark Baldwin

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John Barnes

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Billy Barnie

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Dell Darling

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Emil Geiss

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John Morrill

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Billy Nash

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Bill Watkins

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1897 Jimmy Collins Cabinet

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Very nice collection!  I can almost feel the considerations and comprimizes with each choice. Elegant selection criteria!
Gil, Sat, 10 May 2008 5:46PM
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