During the Relief and Appointment Ceremony at 1st Battalion, 1st Marines (1st Marine Division) on June 3, 2008, Sergeant Major Patrick L. Kimble relinquished his post of Sergeant Major of 1/1 to Sergeant Major Troy W. Dabney.
First was the arrival of the 1st Marine Division Band, playing for the guests before the ceremony, then beginning with image # 13 the photographs follow the sequence of events as described in frame #1.
The passing of the sword symbolizes the official assumption of the duties by Sergent Major Dabney. The sword is delivered to the Commanding Officer, Lieutenant Colonel Tye Wallace, by Sergent Major Kimble, and in turn is passed to the new Sergeant Major.
After the ceremony, beginning with image # 50, guests congratulate the Sergeants Major, who are shown in the last image with their wives.
Click "Start Slideshow" to see all images enlarged in auto sequence, or click on a single thumbnail to see an individual enlargement.
For comments, questions, or assistance, contact: colbb06@gmail.com
<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> | Date(s): June 3, 2008. Album by BB Yarborough. Photos by ©2008 B.B. Yarborough. 1 - 53 of 53 Total. 9987 Visits. |