Harbour View grade school in Huntington Beach, CA is living proof that patriotism in grade school is alive & well.
Shortly after Huntington Beach adopted the 3rd Battalion, 1st Marines (3/1), the students at Harbour View immediately got into the spirit of supporting 3/1, making and sending some 1000 Valentines to the Marines of 3/1 and later collecting items for some 80 "Welcome Home" packages for the 3/1 Marines & Sailors return on April 1st from their 7 month deployment to Iraq.
The Bn, known as "The Thundering Third," returned from Iraq on April 1st, and made a surprise visit to the school for their monthly Patriotic Day, to thank the students for their support.
These photos start with the Marines waiting for the students to gather for the outside assembly, continues as they assemble, recite the Pledge of Allegiance, sing the Star Spangled Banner, and read tributes to the Marines. After the program, all students were invited to shake hands with the Marines, and the Marines greeted all of them one by one for the better part of an hour.
The Marine in image #16 just returned from Iraq, and is holding his daughter.
In image #22, the man at center left is Mayor (at the time) Dave Sullivan, and immediately behind him is school Principal Roni Ellis.
Finally, several groups requested group photos, and last, a former Marine of the 1950's requested to join in a group photo with his wife.
The event was emotional and inspirational, attended by the students, teachers, and many parents. Anybody who attended came away with renewed faith that young Americans love their country.
Note: Many scenes may appear repetitive, but the objective was to capture as many of the spirited young people as possible.
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The viewer may select Medium or Extra Large at the bottom of the enlargement as desired. | Date(s): April 7, 2006. Album by BB Yarborough. Photos by ©2006 B.B. Yarborough. 1 - 74 of 74 Total. 4787 Visits. |