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Western Tour May 2003

Trip via auto from California to Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Colorado & Utah. Most notable scenery was in Zion National Park, Utah.

For questions or comments, contact:  colbb06@gmail.com 


Date(s): May 2003. Album by Colonel BB Yarborough. Photos by ©2003 BB Yarborough. 1 - 18 of 34 Total. 5303 Visits.
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Late afternoon rainbow as we approach Surprize, AZ

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New Mexico Sky, shot through windshield while driving east on I-10, about 100 miles west of Las Cruces, NM

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Northwest wall of the Alamo, probably the most famous and historical landmark in Texas.

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Lea's school, Jefferson High, San Antonio, Texas.

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Cruising the River Walk in San Antonio along row of diners.

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Garden scene at one end of the San Antonio River Walk.

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Lea shot this image through a window.  Marriott Hotel water entrance off the River Walk in San Antonio, TX

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Probably my favorite shot of color bordering I-10 near Kerrville, TX.  Road to right is frontage road serving local homes and farms.

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Walked through this large field of wildflowers near Kerrville, TX in May 2003.

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Field of wildflowers off I-10 near Kerrville, TX.  May is a little late for Texas color, but a few of these fields were still in glorious bloom.

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The "Colorado Monument" is dramatic backdrop to the Tiara Rado Golf Course, Grand Junction, CO. at 1st tee.

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18th green @ Tiara Rado.  Beautiful public course.  Tough hole, at least for me.

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The "Colorado Monument" stands watch over the entire course, including this water hazard, a ball magnet.

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One of the few generous ball landing areas, off the elevated 10th tee @ Tiara Rado.

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West bound on I-70, the profile of a desert warrior appears to observe our progress as we enter Utah.

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Scenery off the I-70 changes in color and texture every mile.

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I-70 gateway signals next change of grand Utah vistas.

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The landscape along I-70 between Grand Junction, CO and St. George, Utah is a feast for the eyes.

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