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Sao Antao
We took the local ferry to the neighbouring island of Sao Antao.  After a great deal of haggling we secured the services of a driver and van (although he still picked up so many other passengers that the van was full to overflowing) and off we went round the island for the day.  Lots of sights, sounds, smells, poverty but fundamentally happy people.  Not at all geared for tourism, which was a nice change.
Date(s): January 2006. Album by Gerard Coulson. Photos by Gerard Coulson. 1 - 36 of 36 Total. 6891 Visits.
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Leaving the boat for the day

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Fellow passengers

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A photo opportunity

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A volcanic crater

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Yes you really can get 17 people in this 1

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Ribeira Grande

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Sao Antao 12

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Sao Antao 13

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Sao Antao 14

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Sao Antao 17

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All roads on the island are cobbled

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At least the local garage has a view!

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The Atlantic coast

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Heading inland up a valley

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Cane country

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Sao Antao 32

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Subsistence farmers cottages

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A friend, Claire, with R and local kids

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Farmers cottages

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Sao Antao 38

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Our driver

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Local kids

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Sao Antao 41

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Sao Antao 42

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Local aqueduct

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The laundrette

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The coast road

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She then asked for a tip!

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School's out!

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Sao Antao 50

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R sampling rum!

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The cane press is still in use

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Sao Antao 57

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Sao Antao 59

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Sao Antao 60

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Sao Antao 61

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