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Slickhorn Canyon - Utah
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Slickhorn Canyon, Utah
May 2015

Day 0: May 12:
Explore rim of Todie Canyon
Camp at Trailhead for Todie Canyon.

Day 1: May 13:
Head down Access #4 to Camp 1 at meadow.

Day 2: May 14:
Continue down Access #4 to mouth of Slickhorn.
Hike up Slickhorn to Camp 2 near mouth of Access #2.

Day 3: May 15:
Dayhike up Slickhorn from Camp 2 to visit Kiva Ruin
and other ruins above 2nd Access.

Head down canyon past Access #4 to Camp 3 at
mouth of Trail Canyon (Access #6).

Day 4: May 16:
Start up Trail Canyon (Access #6) & visit Big Ledge Ruins
Continue up canyon to trailhead, retrieve car, &start long drive back.

Nick & Allison - Pondering How to Get Down Dropoff

For our fourteenth trip to the canyons of southern Utah, we did a partial repeat of our 2004 trip to Slickhorn Canyon. This was mainly due to traveling in one car limits your options for a loop trip. This is a very scenic canyon complex with many opportunities for visiting ruins or Anazazi art.

While hiking in the main Slickhorn Canyon is fairly easy, going in and out via the access canyons is fairly hard for a 60 year old (as I was in 2004) and even more so as a 71 year old. I'm ever grateful to the younger Kickass Trekkers for making it possible for me to continue doing what I love. In 2004, I wasn't thinking about how much longer I would be backpacking, but now I realize that each year onward is a gift.

Note photos ending in "b" are by Bill; "a" are by Allison; and "j" by Joel.

Kickass Trekkers on this trip were: Bill Mooseker, Joel Fuller, Nick McMahan, and Allison Walkingshaw.

The descriptions under the photo thumbnails in the album sometimes contain links to maps or additional information. These are identified by "Blue” text for links. I've also inserted links to Google Maps to show where certain photos in the album were taken or to locate features shown in the photos. Click on the link, close the sidebar, and choose satellite view. Basically, you can then zoom in and out using the mouse wheel or drag the map by clicking and holding.

The thumbnails do not do justice to petroglyphs and pictographs, so I would recommend enlarging them as well. Please take the time to view the videos to better experience what it was like to be there.

Troop 24 Kickass Trekkers Backpacking Trip
-Cascade Bill Mooseker

Date(s): May 11-17, 2015. Album by Cascade Bill. 1 - 375 of 375 Total. 9971 Visits.
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2015-05-11 06-53-07 - utah 2015-001-j
Getting ready to depart after packing car. We were fully loaded with roof top carrier.  Picked up Allison at park-n-ride in Bellevue near I-90. Our destination for the day was the Marble Motel in Tremonton, Utah and traditional dinner at the Tremonton Denny's.

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2015-05-12 12-14-33 - utah 2015-002-j
View from car south of Price, Utah.

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2015-05-12 14-44-29 - utah 2015-003-j
Hollow Mountain Gas Station in Hanksville, Utah.  Made our usual stop at Blondies for lunch in Hanksville.

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2015-05-12 16-44-45 - utah 2015-004-j
Allison and Nick at our campsite near the Todie Canyon trailhead.  The Kane Ranger Station is only open till noon, so we couldn't pick up our permit until the next morning.  Todie Canyon is fairly close to the Ranger station so we didn't lose too much time in getting a permit the next day.
Our camp was located: HERE

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2015-05-12 17-36-45 - utah 2015-005-j
Since we were in camp fairly early and there was quite a lot of daylight left, we decided to hike out along the rim of Todie Canyon.

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2015-05-12 17-41-02 - P1000735%a
At this point (near the trailhead), the canyon is not very deep.

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2015-05-12 17-42-31 - P1000738%a
Allison got this shot of a very red Indian Paintbrush.

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2015-05-12 17-42-32 - P1000737%a

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2015-05-12 17-42-47 - P1000739%a
Nick & Joel - in the distance you can see me (Bill).  In the distance is Moss Back Butte.  Photo taken HERE.

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2015-05-12 17-43-03 - utah 2015-006-j
Another view from same spot looking down into canyon.

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2015-05-12 17-43-09 - DSC00781-b
Photo is looking back towards Joel, Nick, and Allison, where the previous pictures were taken.

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2015-05-12 17-43-16 - P1000740%a
Allison's photo looking down photo -Bill is still across the way.

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2015-05-12 17-44-03 - P1000741%a
Large Blocks at canyon rim.

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2015-05-12 17-44-48 - P1000742%a
View of farther block from previous photo - location HERE.

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2015-05-12 17-51-21 - DSC00782-b
Further along down canyon near rim access to Todie Canyon.

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2015-05-12 17-55-49 - DSC00783-b
Looking back towards location of previous photo. This is the point at which you can descend down to the floor of Todie Canyon.  Location is: HERE.

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2015-05-12 17-56-24 - DSC00785-b
Here's where you go down into Todie - very steep and brushy.  From the guide book there is a down climb off a boulder.

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2015-05-12 17-56-44 - DSC00786-b
Another view of the access(??) - Joel and Nick decided to try it out and go down.  Too much for me.

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2015-05-12 17-56-54 - P1000743%a
Joel fooling around in crack at canyon rim.

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2015-05-12 17-57-10 - P1000744%a
Joel, there doesn't seem to be a bottom to that thing!

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2015-05-12 17-59-58 - DSC00787-b
Ruin or Campsite?

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2015-05-12 18-04-30 - DSC00788-b
Looking down into canyon - access is to the right.

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2015-05-12 18-04-52 - DSC00789-b
If you enlarge this photo, you can see Nick descending to the floor of the Canyon - he is to the right of the center of the photo. You can see how steep it is - "Not recommended for novices" (or Septuagenarians, I might add).

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2015-05-12 18-07-46 - DSC00790-b
View slightly down canyon from previous photo.

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2015-05-12 18-13-53 - P1000745%a
Photo of Large Blocks at canyon rim - this is at a small side canyon located HERE.

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2015-05-12 18-14-04 - P1000746%a
Another view of same block.

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2015-05-12 18-14-30 - P1000747%a
View looking down side canyon into the main Todie Canyon.

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2015-05-12 18-29-10 - P1000752%a
Allison got this photo of a little rattlesnake along the trail.  I think that it is a Green Prairie Rattlesnake see THIS for info and photos.

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2015-05-12 18-30-17 - DSC00791-b
I found a way around the side canyon and continued along the rim. This shows a large side canyon (Long Flat Canyon) joining the main canyon. The mouth of the canyon is located HERE.

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2015-05-12 18-31-30 - DSC00792-b
Telephoto view of the mouth of Long Flat from south rim of Todie.

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2015-05-12 18-34-24 - DSC00793-b
Todie Canyon just down canyon from Long Flat.

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2015-05-12 18-35-09 - P1000753%a
Allison's photo of a series of "potholes" eroded into the sandstone.

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2015-05-12 18-35-15 - P1000754%a
Another view.

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2015-05-12 18-36-49 - utah 2015-008-j
Meanwhile, down in the canyon, Joel and Nick discovered some ruins.  Here is a series of small granaries.

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2015-05-12 18-38-21 - utah 2015-009-j
Nick at Ruin.  Notice how high on the north wall of the canyon they are. The ruin at the right foreground is the one at the left of the previous photo.

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2015-05-12 18-39-55 - utah 2015-010-j
A view looking down canyon along the ledge.

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2015-05-12 18-41-30 - utah 2015-011-j
Nick walking along ledge.

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2015-05-12 18-42-48 - utah 2015-012-j
Photo taken further along the ledge and around the bend of the previous photo.

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2015-05-12 18-48-44 - utah 2015-013-j
Nick approaching ruins.  This is beyond the bend of the previous photo.

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2015-05-12 18-59-31 - utah 2015-014-j
Shot of group of ruins tucked under the overhang.

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2015-05-12 19-11-57 - utah 2015-015-j
Joel got this photo of the sunset as they were heading back.

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2015-05-12 18-43-39 - DSC00794-b
As I progressed along the rim, I got to where I could see the junction of Todie Canyon with the main canyon of Grand Gulch. Todie is the canyon from the bottom right; Grand Gulch comes in from the right making a big backwards "S" turn as it goes down canyon.

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2015-05-12 18-43-51 - DSC00795-b
Another shot - That is Grand Gulch going around the far bend.

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2015-05-12 18-45-29 - DSC00796-b
Looking back up "Long Flat" Canyon - ironically, there is a website for hiking Toadie (sic) Canyon that has this same photo and is captioned "Grand Gulch".

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2015-05-12 19-15-13 - DSC00797-b
As I was heading back, I got this photo of the sun setting to the left of Moss Back Butte.

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2015-05-13 10-15-16 - DSC00798-b
After getting up and getting our gear ready for the hike, we drove back to the Kane Ranger station to get our permit (after watching a mandatory video on do's and don'ts in the Grand Gulch).  

It is a long drive to get to the "Trailhead" (Slickhorn Access #4 - located HERE) over questionable roads (for Joel's Honda as loaded down as it was). We made it OK with only a few scrapes. In 2004, we moved the car down to our exit point, but we didn't want to risk the extra mileage.

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2015-05-13 10-20-33 - P1000755%a
Joel and Nick heading down canyon.
Because of the long drought in the area, I had been worried that if we got stuck at the trailhead when we were on our way out due to bad roads, etc. that we wouldn't have any water.  As you can see in this and the previous photo, there were pools of water just a short distance from the TH.

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2015-05-13 10-33-46 - DSC00801-b
Unusual rock formation on the way down - notice the bedding in the sandstone slickrock.

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2015-05-13 11-12-17 - DSC00806-b
About a mile from the trailhead, the canyon opens up a bit. About a quarter of a mile further, a small granary can be seen on the north side of the canyon.  This view is from the overhang containing the ruin.

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2015-05-13 11-04-21 - P1000756%a
Nick at the ruin.

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2015-05-13 11-04-37 - P1000757%a

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2015-05-13 11-04-51 - DSC00803-b
Very well constructed ruin that has withstood the ravages of time very well.

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2015-05-13 11-05-40 - P1000759%a

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2015-05-13 11-07-24 - DSC00802-b
Nick and Allison under the overhang.

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2015-05-13 11-09-22 - P1000760%a
Nick, Joel, and Bill (I finally got up there)

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2015-05-13 11-11-58 - DSC00805-b
Nick and Joel.  I wonder if those big boulders were moved there in order to construct the ruin.

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2015-05-13 11-12-05 - DSC00804-b
Allison taking a break in the shade.

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2015-05-13 11-12-41 - DSC00808-b
Looking down canyon.

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2015-05-13 11-30-51 - DSC00809-b
After exploring the ruin, Nick and I continued along the ledge to this viewpoint.

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2015-05-13 11-31-00 - DSC00811-b
Another shot.

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2015-05-13 11-31-16 - DSC00812-b

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2015-05-13 11-31-38 - DSC00813-b
Viewpoint looking down canyon - you can see the pouroff where the canyon drops off much faster.
The location of the viewpoint is HERE.

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2015-05-13 12-19-19 - P1000763%a
About 1.5 miles from the trailhead, this pouroff is reached, and you can see that the canyon drops sharply from this point.
This point is located HERE.

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2015-05-13 12-19-10 - P1000762%a
There is a way around the pouroff on the left - it is very steep.  I slipped on a loose rock and took a bad fall coming down, and ending up sprawled head first balanced on a boulder and couldn't move.  Fortunately, Nick soon arrived to get me back up.
If you enlarge the photo you can see me and Nick making our way down.

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2015-05-13 12-30-58 - P1000765%a
Joel and Bill in the shade of the Pouroff.  I'm doing first aid on my hand as I had injured it during my fall.

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2015-05-13 12-31-49 - P1000764%a
Nick on the north rim taking in the view.

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2015-05-13 12-31-55 - utah 2015-017-j
Another view.

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2015-05-13 12-33-49 - utah 2015-018-j
Below the pouroff, the going gets a lot rougher as you can see with all of these boulders.

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2015-05-13 12-34-19 - utah 2015-019-j
Looking back at the pouroff - you can see me doing first aid.

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2015-05-13 13-27-35 - utah 2015-020-j
Bill on slickrock as seen through a boulder tunnel.

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2015-05-13 13-27-50 - utah 2015-021-j
Whoa! Looking for a way down.

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2015-05-13 13-28-22 - DSC00814-b
I think these are Sego Lilies about to bloom.

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2015-05-13 13-44-00 - DSC00815-b
Joel making his way down the canyon.

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2015-05-13 13-47-41 - P1000766%a
Joel at center.

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2015-05-13 13-47-47 - P1000767%a
A lot of boulder hopping through here (Nick's pack behind rock).

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2015-05-13 13-51-23 - P1000768%a
Bill & Nick coming down - Nick went back and carried my pack down through a difficult stretch - (Nick's pack to right of center)

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2015-05-13 13-51-46 - P1000769%a
A big drop beyond here. I think that this photo was taken HERE

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2015-05-13 14-07-30 - utah 2015-022-j
Joel going down canyon.

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2015-05-13 14-13-01 - utah 2015-023-j
Nick & Allison.

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2015-05-13 14-16-50 - DSC00816-b
More obstacles ahead.

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2015-05-13 14-16-56 - DSC00817-b
looking back up canyon from previous photo.

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2015-05-13 14-24-43 - P1000770%a
Nick with Allison's pack on a rough stretch.

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2015-05-13 14-24-58 - P1000771%a
Preparing for a big drop.

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2015-05-13 14-25-06 - P1000772%a
Going down! - this and the preceding photos were taken HERE

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2015-05-13 14-34-21 - utah 2015-024-j
Taking a break.

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2015-05-13 14-48-44 - DSC00818-b
Prickly Pear Cactus flowers in bloom.

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2015-05-13 14-48-52 - DSC00819-b
More P.P. blooms.

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2015-05-13 15-09-23 - P1000774%a
Joel, Nick, and Allison were waiting for Bill HERE while Bill was waiting for them HERE.
There are many "trails" here and there and we took different paths (I took the wrong one to a point at which the canyon was blocked by a big house sized boulder).

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2015-05-13 15-23-09 - DSC00820-b
The next obstacle (and the last of the day) was just a few yards down canyon from the house sized boulder cited previously.

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2015-05-13 15-23-33 - P1000775%a
Nick negotiating the obstacle.

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2015-05-13 15-23-39 - P1000776%a
Nick brought Allison and Bill's packs down previously.  I remember this spot from 2004 - Hard for me even without a backpack on. Spot is located HERE.

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2015-05-13 15-23-46 - P1000777%a
Took a break after the last obstacle.

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2015-05-13 15-38-42 - DSC00825-b
After a short hike we found ourselves in this nice meadow.

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2015-05-13 15-38-45 - P1000779%a
Bill getting some photos of flowers in the meadow.

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2015-05-13 15-39-27 - DSC00822-b
Globemallow flowers, See Globemallows for more information.

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2015-05-13 15-40-07 - DSC00824-b
Flowers in meadow.

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2015-05-13 15-40-38 - DSC00823-b
Another Prickly Pear Cactus flower.

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2015-05-13 15-40-39 - P1000778%a

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2015-05-13 15-45-33 - utah 2015-025-j
Closeup of Prickly Pear Flower.

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2015-05-13 15-48-40 - utah 2015-026-j
Bill in meadow - There was a good camping spot in this meadow, and as we had gotten a late start and had quite a bit of hiking to do before we reached the mouth of the canyon, we decided to camp HERE for the night.

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2015-05-13 15-52-39 - utah 2015-027-j
Looking back up canyon from camp.

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2015-05-13 16-05-00 - utah 2015-028-j
Nick climbing up the north wall of the canyon near our camp.

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2015-05-13 16-05-28 - utah 2015-029-j
Looking up canyon.

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2015-05-13 16-15-20 - utah 2015-030-j
Nick - getting higher.

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2015-05-13 16-16-13 - utah 2015-031-j
Looking back at the meadow where our camp is located.

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2015-05-14 09-27-12 - P1000781%a
Allison got this shot from her tent in the morning.
During the night, the weather changed and we were subjected to thunder storms and pounding rain.  In the morning, the rain kept up and we didn't feel like getting up and making breakfast and breaking camp in the rain, so we waited in our tents to the sounds of a bubbling brook near our tents due to "flash" flooding.

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2015-05-14 11-14-21 - utah 2015-032-j
Clouds breaking up a little bit - you can see Allison, Nick, and Bill getting breakfast (lunch!) ready.

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2015-05-14 11-14-49 - utah 2015-033-j
Another shot.

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2015-05-14 12-30-13 - DSC00826-b
View of our camp - you can see my new Six Moons Designs Trekker 24 ounce solo tent (green tent).  Very roomy and comfortable and weathered the storm very well.

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2015-05-14 12-30-33 - DSC00827-b
Joel packing up his tent.

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2015-05-14 12-30-40 - DSC00828-b
Allison in her tent.

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2015-05-14 13-10-40 - P1000782%a
Allison's pack - ready to go.

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2015-05-14 13-10-53 - P1000783%a
Camp - We're ready to move on.

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2015-05-14 13-10-57 - P1000784%a
Joel's pack.

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2015-05-14 13-11-05 - P1000785%a
Joel & Nick checking out and anthill near our camp.

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2015-05-14 13-20-29 - utah 2015-034-j
Allison and her "Raingear" - she forgot to pack a rain coat.

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2015-05-14 13-35-13 - utah 2015-035-j
Bill heading down canyon from our camp.

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2015-05-14 13-35-19 - utah 2015-036-j
Bill - Pack cover on pack in case of rain!

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2015-05-14 13-42-52 - P1000786%a
Taking a break in an alcove.

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2015-05-14 13-43-04 - P1000787%a
Another view.

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2015-05-14 13-49-04 - utah 2015-037-j
Really nice trail HERE?.

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2015-05-14 14-00-47 - DSC00829-b
Faint pictographs at large alcove with several ruins.  We missed this one on our 2004 trip.

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2015-05-14 14-01-12 - DSC00830-b
Extended view of previous photo.

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2015-05-14 14-01-20 - DSC00831-b
Another view.

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2015-05-14 14-01-26 - P1000790%a
View of the alcove.

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Download MPEG4
VIDEO - Click Photo to View.
Video showing the ruins in the alcove.

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2015-05-14 14-02-03 - P1000788%a
Joel inspecting the log and stone kiva.

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2015-05-14 14-02-47 - DSC00833-b
Entrance of the kiva.

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2015-05-14 14-03-00 - P1000791%a

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2015-05-14 14-03-06 - DSC00834-b
You can see that the roof of the kiva is largely intact.

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2015-05-14 14-03-25 - P1000792%a
Allison modeling her "raingear".

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2015-05-14 14-03-27 - DSC00832-b
Viewing the 2 story granary.

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2015-05-14 14-03-34 - P1000789%a
Two story granary and adjacent Pictograph panel. Note scale of pictograph figures.

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2015-05-14 14-03-39 - DSC00835-b
view of granary.

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2015-05-14 14-03-53 - DSC00836-b
showing mud daubing seal at roof of alcove plastering in place a large flat rock.

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2015-05-14 14-04-07 - DSC00837-b
Mud daubing and stick reinforcement at base of large flat rock - you can see where fingers have worked the mud into place.

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2015-05-14 14-05-39 - DSC00842-b
Looking at the back side of granary.

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2015-05-14 14-06-45 - DSC00846-b
close up of floor of 2nd story of granary.  Also it is clear that the adjacent portion of the granary has collapsed.

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2015-05-14 14-06-51 - P1000794%a
Bill photographing ruin.

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2015-05-14 14-07-24 - DSC00844-b
Lower door in granary.

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2015-05-14 14-07-50 - P1000800%a
Upper door of granary.

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2015-05-14 14-08-32 - DSC00845-b
Close up of lintel of the upper door showing how the wooden logs have been lashed together (where the outer mud daubing has fallen away).

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2015-05-14 14-15-34 - P1000798%a
Shot of down canyon end of the granary.

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2015-05-14 14-16-34 - DSC00852-b
ruin of the collapsed end of the granary.

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2015-05-14 14-16-47 - DSC00853-b
Wall construction - stick and mud with flat rock.

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2015-05-14 14-16-55 - DSC00854-b
Examples of mud daubing that was probably the floor of the 2nd story of the granary, as you can see the impressions of the sticks to which the mud was applied.

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2015-05-14 14-17-08 - DSC00851-b
Another view of granary and pictograph panel.

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2015-05-14 14-17-35 - DSC00838-b
Pictograph figures.

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2015-05-14 14-18-00 - DSC00840-b
view of smaller of larger figures.

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2015-05-14 14-18-48 - DSC00839-b
smaller figures at bottom of panel.

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2015-05-14 14-19-12 - DSC00841-b
?? - don't know what this was.  Seems that some of the rock face has fallen away.

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2015-05-14 14-19-34 - P1000793%a

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2015-05-14 14-19-55 - DSC00843-b
Pottery shard at site.

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2015-05-14 14-20-05 - DSC00847-b
Large boulder showing grooves left from grinding grain.

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2015-05-14 14-20-20 - DSC00848-b
Another view of the grooves worn into the rock.

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2015-05-14 14-20-31 - DSC00849-b
More grooves in the top of the boulder.

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2015-05-14 14-20-48 - DSC00850-b
View of the alcove.

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2015-05-14 14-20-50 - P1000797%a
Down at the end of the alcove, the ground was pretty wet, but there were more pictographs, which Bill is photographing.

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2015-05-14 14-20-54 - DSC00855-b
Pictograph panel at end of alcove.

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2015-05-14 14-21-04 - DSC00856-b
Close up of figure - that is some headdress!

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2015-05-14 14-21-38 - DSC00857-b
Big horn sheep figures.

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2015-05-14 14-22-12 - DSC00858-b
Closeup of Big horn sheep figure.

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2015-05-14 14-22-54 - DSC00859-b
Pure white Columbines (which are appropriately named: Alcove Columbines) growing at this end of the alcove.

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2015-05-14 14-28-21 - DSC00860-b
Allison and Nick going to get their packs.

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2015-05-14 14-31-23 - utah 2015-044-j
Packs on, Allison and Nick head down canyon.

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2015-05-14 14-28-21 - DSC00860-b
I found these yellow Monkey flowers - usually in the cascades, these grow along streams.  These desert cousins are making do with much drier conditions.

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2015-05-14 14-42-29 - P1000801%a
The hiking is easier the nearer the end of the canyon approaches. You can see the mud left over from the previous night's storm.

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2015-05-14 14-43-13 - DSC00861-b
I was ahead of the rest and got this shot.  Note large boulder to right of center as well as house sized boulder further down canyon.

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2015-05-14 14-42-37 - P1000802%a
Joel and Nick hiking down canyon.

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2015-05-14 14-45-15 - utah 2015-045-j
Allison (looking up canyon).  Weather is improving as the sun is now out.  See
from our 2004 trip that was taken near this point showing Eric Walkinshaw with Allison right behind him.

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2015-05-14 14-45-22 - P1000803%a
Another view - see the Large boulder that was noted in the previous photo.

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2015-05-14 14-45-27 - utah 2015-046-j
Nick passing house sized boulder that was noted in previous photo. This location in the canyon is HERE.

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2015-05-14 14-45-29 - P1000804%a
Joel at the same location with Nick further down canyon.

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2015-05-14 14-45-45 - P1000805%a
View near the huge boulder, which is at the upper right of the photo.

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2015-05-14 14-46-48 - DSC00863-b
Looking back up the canyon from near the Huge boulder, which is now on the left.

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2015-05-14 14-51-04 - DSC00864-b
View looking down canyon near the end of Access #4.

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2015-05-14 15-02-38 - utah 2015-048-j
Taking a break at the mouth of Access #4 in the main Slickhorn Canyon. The location of our break is HERE.

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2015-05-14 15-16-07 - P1000807%a
very prominent headland of Slickhorn Canyon at the mouth of Access #4.

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2015-05-14 15-22-15 - DSC00868-b
Mouth of Access #4.  Note that Slickhorn wash is dry after the previous night's rain.

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2015-05-14 15-22-18 - DSC00867-b
Looking down Slickhorn - As you come to the mouth of Access #4, it seems that the main Slickhorn is a continuation of Access #4 and that the up canyon branch of Slickhorn is merely a side branch.

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2015-05-14 15-22-50 - P1000808%a
Nick doing a little exploration during our break at the mouth of Access #4.

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2015-05-14 15-26-15 - utah 2015-049-j
Joel's photo of a Claret Cup Cactus bloom.

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2015-05-14 15-31-41 - DSC00870-b
Very beautiful section of the canyon above the mouth of Access #4.

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2015-05-14 15-31-49 - utah 2015-050-j
Almost to the junction of Access #2/3.

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2015-05-14 15-38-11 - P1000813%a
Coming up to our camp site.

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2015-05-14 15-38-24 - P1000812%a
Looking back down canyon - you can see Joel in the distance, if you enlarge the photo.

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2015-05-14 15-39-17 - P1000811%a
Prickly Pear Cactus blooms near our camp.

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2015-05-14 15-32-02 - utah 2015-051-j
Joels photo of the mouth of Access of #2/#3.  Our camp was in the grove of trees to the left of the headland at the center of the photo.
Joel, Nick, and Allison climbed up the west side of the canyon after we arrived at camp, as there was plenty of daylight left.

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2015-05-14 16-24-42 - P1000821%a
View showing the ledge above the canyon.

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2015-05-14 15-50-16 - utah 2015-052-j
Looking at the southern headland for Access #2/#3.

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2015-05-14 15-51-19 - utah 2015-053-j
A small granary in an alcove high on the canyon wall.

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2015-05-14 16-24-29 - P1000820%a
Nick at granary.

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2015-05-14 15-53-52 - utah 2015-054-j
View looking at the mouth of Access #2/#3 as it enters the main canyon.

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2015-05-14 16-09-37 - P1000815%a
Joel and Nick on ledge- Pictograph panel is to the left.

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2015-05-14 16-09-26 - P1000814%a
View of pictograph panel

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2015-05-14 16-10-36 - P1000818%a
Nick & Joel at pictograph panel.

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2015-05-14 16-10-42 - P1000819%a
Another view.

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2015-05-14 16-09-22 - utah 2015-055-j
Closeup of Pictographs on wall of canyon.

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2015-05-14 16-09-34 - utah 2015-056-j
Pictograph of ghostly human figure. Compare this to the ones shown previously at the kiva alcove.

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2015-05-14 16-10-20 - utah 2015-057-j

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2015-05-14 16-09-54 - P1000816%a
View of our camp from ledge.

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2015-05-14 16-23-04 - utah 2015-058-j
Another view of our camp from ledge.

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2015-05-14 16-10-12 - P1000817%a
Headland separating the main canyon and the mouth of Access #2/#3.  If you enlarge the photo to original size, you will see me in camp (the white dot in the trees to the left of center.

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2015-05-14 17-47-12 - P1000822%a
Dinner time - this is a great camp.

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2015-05-14 17-47-32 - P1000823%a
Layout of our tents - we had some rain during the night.

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2015-05-14 17-47-52 - P1000824%a
Another shot of our camp.

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2015-05-14 21-04-18 - utah 2015-059-j
After dinner, Joel and Nick climbed to a ledge on the eastern side of the canyon and got this shot of this oft photographed "Hoodoo" that seems to appear in every Slickhorn web page.

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2015-05-14 21-16-24 - utah 2015-060-j
Nick on the ledge.

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2015-05-14 21-20-16 - utah 2015-061-j
Panoramic view from the ledge on the eastern side of Slickhorn. Our camp is in the green area above the boulder at the center of the photo.

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2015-05-15 08-51-26 - DSC00871-b
Oatmeal Breakfast  - Joel, Nick, and Allison.

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2015-05-15 08-51-50 - DSC00872-b
Breakfast - my new tent is the green one.

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2015-05-15 09-37-16 - P1000825%a
After breakfast, Joel and nick decide to explore a ledge on this headland, northwest of our camp.  If you enlarge this to original size and you look closely, you can see them on the ledge.

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2015-05-15 09-37-16 - P1000828%a
Nick and Joel on the ledge - looks pretty scary to me.

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2015-05-15 09-37-31 - P1000826%a
Inspecting the pictographs on the ledge (Enlarge photo to Original Size) to see them.

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2015-05-15 09-38-04 - P1000827%a
Another view - If you enlarge to Original Size, you can see that they are laughing at something.

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2015-05-15 09-39-47 - DSC00873-b
Walking along the ledge.

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Download MPEG4
VIDEO - Click Photo to View.
Video of Joel and Nick on ledge west of camp.

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2015-05-15 09-40-40 - utah 2015-073-j
Joel's photo from ledge showing Hoodoo.

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2015-05-15 10-17-40 - DSC00874-b
Unknown Flower.

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2015-05-15 10-20-29 - P1000829%a
Heading up canyon on a day trip to Perfect Kiva - Joel climbed this Boulder.

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2015-05-15 10-20-34 - P1000830%a
Joel, Bill, & Nick: we're heading up canyon (view is down canyon)

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2015-05-15 10-20-52 - P1000831%a
Cascade Bill.

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2015-05-15 10-53-10 - DSC00875-b
Making our way up canyon.

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2015-05-15 10-54-59 - utah 2015-062-j
Nick & Allison

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2015-05-15 10-59-14 - P1000835%a
Firecracker Penstemon.

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2015-05-15 10-59-19 - P1000836%a
more firecracker penstemon blooms.

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2015-05-15 11-00-05 - P1000837%a
Making our way up the trail, you can see the alcove that contains the Perfect Kiva, framed by the trees on either side of the trail.

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2015-05-15 11-02-48 - utah 2015-063-j
Bill, Allison, and Nick are just about to the point where the climb to the kiva.

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2015-05-15 11-03-27 - utah 2015-064-j
Remnants of the previous night's rain are visible.

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2015-05-15 11-03-49 - DSC00876-b
Joel - if you enlarge the photo to Original size, you can make out a small ruin in the Perfect Kiva alcove ahead.

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2015-05-15 11-04-01 - DSC00877-b
Telephoto view of ruin.

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2015-05-15 11-13-20 - utah 2015-065-j
Nick at the Perfect Kiva alcove - the stone circle demarks the area where you should'nt walk on the fragile roof structure.

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2015-05-15 11-13-21 - P1000845%a
Entrance to the kiva - ladder at right - chimney for smoke at the left.

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2015-05-15 11-13-29 - DSC00879-b
Another view of the entrance to the kiva.

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2015-05-15 11-14-28 - utah 2015-068-j
Kiva entrance from inside.

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2015-05-15 11-14-29 - utah 2015-066-j
Nick entering kiva on ladder.

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2015-05-15 11-15-25 - utah 2015-069-j
Nick in kiva.

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2015-05-15 11-16-27 - utah 2015-070-j
view of entrance ladder from side.  note chimney opening at left.

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2015-05-15 11-20-40 - P1000838%a
view of ladder, and roof structure.

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2015-05-15 11-20-50 - P1000839%a
Inside of kiva - I don't know why there is a demarcation between the fire blackened and natural clay wall.

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2015-05-15 11-21-02 - P1000840%a
Another view showing roof structure.

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2015-05-15 11-23-22 - P1000841%a
view of the alcove and kiva.

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2015-05-15 11-23-27 - P1000842%a
There is an ammo box with info about the kiva - Nick and Joel are reading these materials.

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2015-05-15 11-24-19 - P1000843%a
Pottery shards at the site.

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2015-05-15 11-24-52 - P1000844%a
The northern ledge of the alcove.

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2015-05-15 11-26-16 - P1000846%a
Looking down into Slickhorn canyon from the alcove - it is quite a climb (for me anyways).  There are some rock cairns here and there, but there is no definitive way to the top.  You just pick your way as you see fit.

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2015-05-15 11-26-49 - utah 2015-071-j
Allison and some of the other ruins in the alcove.

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2015-05-15 11-33-39 - P1000849%a
view of the kiva roof - the white rectangle in the foreground is a notice not to walk on the roof area.

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2015-05-15 11-34-42 - utah 2015-074-j
Bill (I finally made it up), Allison, and Nick.

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2015-05-15 11-34-48 - utah 2015-076-j
Panoramic view of Alcove (Nick is at the left, reading the info on the alcove.

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2015-05-15 11-35-31 - P1000847%a
Don't bust the crust!

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2015-05-15 11-43-06 - DSC00878-b
Another panoramic view.

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2015-05-15 11-43-37 - DSC00880-b
Allison inspecting ruins.

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2015-05-15 11-44-36 - DSC00881-b
Collapsed Ruin- I think that this was a partial stone and log structure.

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2015-05-15 11-44-47 - DSC00882-b
View of the inside of the collapsed ruin. Note smoke blackened walls and roof.

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2015-05-15 11-45-11 - DSC00892-b
Granary at the north side of the collapsed ruin - construction is much different, with mud mortared rocks rather than just rock and log construction.

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2015-05-15 11-45-12 - DSC00883-b
Very small ruin - don't know what it was for.

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2015-05-15 11-45-39 - utah 2015-072-j
Turkey pictograph - very different in style than the ones down canyon.

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2015-05-15 11-45-43 - DSC00885-b
View looking south from alcove - Enlarge photo to Original Size and you can see Joel and Nick as they have climbed to the canyon rim. Ten minutes ago they were in the alcove - it would probably take me half a day to get there even if I could make it.

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2015-05-15 11-45-44 - P1000850%a
Another view.

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2015-05-15 11-46-04 - DSC00886-b
View of Nick and Joel on rim.

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2015-05-15 11-46-15 - DSC00887-b
Joel waving to us.

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2015-05-15 11-46-31 - P1000851%a
Another view.

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2015-05-15 11-48-07 - DSC00888-b
This granary is the ruin that you can see from the canyon floor (see previous photos).  Allison and I are walking the ledge on the north side of the alcove.

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2015-05-15 11-51-02 - P1000855%a
Following the ledge around the bend, we come to this small alcove, which contains an unusual pictograph panel.

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2015-05-15 11-51-23 - P1000852%a
Pictograph panel.

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2015-05-15 11-52-03 - DSC00891-b
Another view. Is the curvy line a snake? A river?  Why does it have a ball at the beginning (end). Why is the last part of the line white and not red?  Are those white forms another style of turkeys? What is the black animal at top right?

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2015-05-15 11-52-21 - P1000854%a
Hand prints with spiral palms.

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2015-05-15 11-52-24 - DSC00890-b
Closeup of hand prints.

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2015-05-15 11-53-37 - P1000857%a
Bill viewing pictograph panel.

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2015-05-15 11-53-47 - P1000856%a
View looking down canyon.

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2015-05-15 12-05-57 - P1000858%a
Before we headed down, Allison and I walked out the ledge south of the kiva.  This is a shot looking back towards the kiva - you can see me making my way back.

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2015-05-15 12-11-44 - P1000860%a
Allison's photo of a pottery shard - this would have been a very beautiful piece if it had survived.

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2015-05-15 12-21-20 - P1000861%a
Allison's photo looking up canyon as she was almost all the way down from climbing down from the kiva.

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2015-05-15 12-21-29 - P1000862%a
Closeup of the pool in the canyon bottom as seen in the previous photo.

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2015-05-15 12-43-24 - P1000863%a
Cliff Rose - Details HERE

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2015-05-15 12-43-50 - P1000865%a
Yucca about to bloom

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2015-05-15 12-53-56 - P1000866%a
I think these are barrel cacti.

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2015-05-15 12-54-03 - P1000867%a
More barrel cacti.

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2015-05-15 12-54-10 - P1000868%a
Closeup of Cactus flower.

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2015-05-15 12-54-34 - P1000869%a
Joel passes by having caught up after returning from the canyon rim.

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2015-05-15 13-12-01 - DSC00897-b
Large Alcove near camp.

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2015-05-15 13-12-17 - DSC00896-b
View of alcove. If you enlarge photo to original size, you can see Joel & Nick on the ledge below the alcove.

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2015-05-15 13-12-27 - DSC00894-b
Up canyon portion of ledge.

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2015-05-15 13-12-59 - DSC00895-b
Joel and Nick - a ruin in a rather dilapidated state is just to the right of them.  Roger, Shelby, and I visited this ruin in 2004.

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2015-05-15 13-13-59 - utah 2015-075-j
Petraglyph panel located on the ledge shown previously.

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2015-05-15 13-14-56 - utah 2015-077-j
Another dilapidated ruin (possibly a kiva) in the same area.

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2015-05-15 13-15-40 - P1000870%a
The Slickhorn Hoodoo.

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2015-05-15 13-15-46 - P1000871%a
Another shot.

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2015-05-15 13-19-52 - DSC00898-b
Another view of Hoodoo.

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2015-05-15 14-36-57 - DSC00899-b
More Prickly Pear blossoms.

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2015-05-15 14-50-26 - DSC00900-b
After returning to camp, we loaded our packs and headed back down to the mouth of Access #4 shown here.

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2015-05-15 14-56-24 - utah 2015-078-j
Looking down canyon from near the mouth of Access #4.

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2015-05-15 14-58-34 - P1000872%a
More Prickly Pear Cactus blooms! They were really out in force for this trip.

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2015-05-15 14-59-07 - DSC00901-b
Nick & Joel (View is looking up canyon) - hiking through this section of Slickhorn is pretty easy. The blue sky patches seen here would soon disappear as we continued down canyon.

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2015-05-15 15-00-53 - utah 2015-080-j
Nick (photo by Joel)

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2015-05-15 15-01-29 - utah 2015-079-j
Bill (View is looking down canyon) Location in canyon for this and the previous photos is HERE.

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2015-05-15 15-02-29 - DSC00902-b
Allison - a short distance down canyon from the previous photos.

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2015-05-15 15-08-53 - utah 2015-081-j
Joel's excellent photo of Daisies against a backdrop of a Red Rock canyon.

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2015-05-15 15-19-56 - P1000873%a
After a couple of bends in the canyon, Joel and Nick decided to head up this arroyo, while Allison and I headed down canyon. View is to the east with down canyon direction being left to right. The arroyo is located HERE.

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2015-05-15 15-20-04 - DSC00903-b
Another view of the mouth of the arroyo.

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2015-05-15 15-21-54 - P1000875%a
Heading down canyon - no blue skies anymore.

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2015-05-15 15-35-31 - P1000877%a
Can't find this one to name it.

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2015-05-15 15-44-28 - P1000880%a
Just as we were coming to this bend in the canyon, it began to rain.

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2015-05-15 15-44-33 - P1000881%a
Bill - view is looking back up canyon.

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2015-05-15 16-00-24 - P1000882%a
By the time we got to the BEND in the canyon, the rain began to come down in earnest.  Allison and I ducked into this overhang, hoping that the downpour would diminish.

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2015-05-15 16-00-50 - P1000883%a
Bill waiting out the rain.

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2015-05-15 16-01-07 - P1000884%a
Allison's selfie - some how, between here and there, Joel and Nick leapfrogged us while we were sitting here and they were now ahead of us.

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2015-05-15 16-18-04 - P1000886%a
After the rain let up, we headed out again.  This photo shows the overhang where we waited out the rain.

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2015-05-15 16-18-10 - P1000887%a
Looking down canyon from near our overhang.

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2015-05-15 16-25-13 - DSC00904-b
Pool just down canyon from our overhang.

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2015-05-15 16-26-22 - DSC00905-b
The same pool from the previous photo, but looking back towards the bend where our rain shelter was located.

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2015-05-15 16-34-30 - P1000889%a
Coming up on the next major side canyon, Access #5.

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2015-05-15 16-36-03 - DSC00907-b
The mouth of Access #5.

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2015-05-15 16-35-48 - P1000888%a
Looking up the canyon of Access #5. Google Maps location is HERE.

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2015-05-15 18-54-14 - P1000891%a
The mouth of Access #6, aka "Trail Canyon" is a relatively short distance from the mouth of Access #5.  As we neared the mouth of Trail Canyon (where we would be camping), the rain became a downpour.  Allison and I made it across the wash to the camp, where we waited out the rain under another overhang.  Soon the wash became a raging flood - shown here.

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VIDEO - Click Photo to View.
We were getting worried as Joel and Nick hadn't showed up and the water was steadilly rising.  It was pretty spectacular as you could see waterfalls gushing over the canyon rim all around us.
Finally, the two missing hikers showed up - they had hiked far down canyon, and finally came to the conclusion that they had passed us by.

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2015-05-15 19-08-36 - DSC00908-b
View (from the video) showing the water rushing down Trail Canyon.

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2015-05-15 18-54-47 - P1000890%a
Our camp - battened down for the rain.  We camped here two nights in 2004, once on the way down and once on the way out.  It was on the second night back then that Danny ended his "tentless" camping streak that began in 1998 as we had rain that night as well.
The camp is located HERE.

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2015-05-15 18-55-32 - P1000892%a
Looking back at our cam.

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2015-05-15 18-56-03 - P1000893%a
Suppertime - cold and dreary.

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2015-05-16 09-18-06 - DSC00909-b
In 2004, we got up in the dark and headed out using our headlamps.  This year it was still raining in the morning so we were on a more leisurely pace getting out, for which we paid later on.

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2015-05-16 09-50-40 - DSC00911-b
Heading up Trail Canyon, it's pretty easy going in the beginning. The prominent headland shown in the photo is located HERE.

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Video from the same spot as the previous photo - maybe it was a little harder than I remember as it sounds like I'm pretty breathless, or that I'm old and out of shape.

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2015-05-16 10-07-56 - P1000894%a
Photo of a minor pouroff on the way up canyon.  Pouroff is located HERE.

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2015-05-16 10-08-02 - P1000895%a
View looking up canyon from pouroff.

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2015-05-16 10-08-19 - P1000896%a
Looking back down canyon from pouroff.

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2015-05-16 10-08-25 - DSC00912-b
Nick making his way up to the pouroff.

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2015-05-16 10-45-49 - DSC00914-b
A ways up canyon, there is a very big pouroff, and you have climb up a switchbacked trail on the south side of the canyon to avoid it.

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2015-05-16 10-47-19 - DSC00915-b
View of the "Big Ledge" ruins across the canyon.  Enlarge to Original Size to see them.

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2015-05-16 10-47-29 - DSC00916-b
Prominent ruin visible from the trail.  Enlarge to Original Size.

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2015-05-16 10-48-11 - utah 2015-082-j
Looking back down canyon - weather is much improved today.

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2015-05-16 11-25-07 - P1000897%a
Nick, Joel, and Allison climbed up to the ruins.  This photo is looking back towards the canyon bottom from the ledge.  I continued on up canyon as I had been to the ruins in 2004, and didn't want to slow us down as we were already behind schedule for the day.

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2015-05-16 11-25-22 - P1000898%a
Looking down canyon from the ledge.

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2015-05-16 11-25-46 - P1000899%a
View of remnants of "Turkey Pen" ruin construction.

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2015-05-16 11-32-47 - P1000900%a
Allison inspecting ruins.

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2015-05-16 11-33-12 - P1000901%a
Large "Vertical Log" type of ruin.  The ruins on this ledge are fairly unique in that they encompass many different styles of construction

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2015-05-16 11-33-30 - P1000903%a
Nick at ruin.

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2015-05-16 11-34-12 - P1000902%a
Ruin construction.

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2015-05-16 11-35-32 - P1000905%a
Looking up canyon from ledge - it gets pretty narrow in some spots, and the dropoff is extreme.

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2015-05-16 11-36-27 - P1000906%a
Ruin details - I think that this is the ruin shown HERE.

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2015-05-16 11-36-57 - P1000907%a
More ruins along the ledge - it looks like there have been some collapses here over time.

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2015-05-16 11-38-07 - P1000908%a
Looking back along the ledge.

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2015-05-16 11-38-32 - P1000909%a
Looking down to the floor of the canyon.

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2015-05-16 11-39-28 - P1000910%a
Allison & ruins.

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2015-05-16 11-44-56 - utah 2015-083-j
Granary in nearly perfect condition.

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2015-05-16 11-55-27 - P1000913%a
Another view.

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2015-05-16 11-50-39 - P1000912%a
Pottery shard.

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2015-05-16 12-01-22 - utah 2015-085-j
Nick making his way out to a granary using the "Turkey Pen".

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2015-05-16 12-01-37 - utah 2015-086-j
Nick inspecting granary.

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Big ledge 1.mp4
VIDEO - Click Photo to View.
This video is from 2004 - it was taken on the way back from a visit to the Big Ledge ruins. As you can see in the video, we were wondering how could anyone get out to the granary.  Yet, Nick and Joel were able to get out there easily in 2015.  Note also that someone has placed a stone over the door of the ruin that was open in 2004.

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2015-05-16 12-31-00 - P1000915%a
Somehow these trees cling to life in the strangest locations.

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2015-05-16 12-33-33 - DSC00917-b
For a while, there is an actual trail in Trail Canyon. It soon disappears and I found the way blocked by a very large boulder. I backtracked and climbed up on the north side where this photo was taken. Back in the wash, the going gets tougher and a massive ROCKSLIDE blocks the way.  Backtracking I found  a cairn marking a "way trail" up and over the south side of the wash.

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2015-05-16 13-04-07 - P1000917%a
Can't identify this one either.

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2015-05-16 13-08-01 - P1000918%a
After the detour around the rockfall, the going gets easier over slickrock as shown here.

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2015-05-16 13-13-14 - DSC00918-b
More slickrock.

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This video shows the flow of water over the slickrock.

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2015-05-16 13-17-18 - P1000919%a
A string of pools dot the way.

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2015-05-16 13-17-23 - P1000920%a
Another view of the water flowing over the slickrock.

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2015-05-16 13-26-30 - DSC00919-b
At one point you come upon this plant rising from this pool, fighting for existence in a harsh environment.

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2015-05-16 13-34-32 - P1000921%a
Eventually, the canyon comes to a major pouroff.  You have to avoid it by climbing up the side of the canyon.  In 2004, we went up the south side of the canyon, but here we went up a slight way up a side canyon where there was a way to climb up and follow a makeshift trail to the wash above the pouroff.  This side canyon is located HERE.

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2015-05-16 13-34-46 - P1000922%a
View from side canyon detour.

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2015-05-16 13-38-25 - DSC00920-b
Lizard along the way.

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2015-05-16 13-56-07 - DSC00921-b
Following the ledges you come to this overlook of the canyon seen in the previous photos. A fairly easy to follow "trail" leads to the wash above the pouroff. From there is it a rather long and boring slog to the end of the canyon at the last pouroff.

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2015-05-16 14-37-18 - P1000923%a
Another tree precariously perched at the edge of a dropoff.

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2015-05-16 14-45-58 - DSC00922-b
Just before you exit the canyon, you come upon this granary tucked into an overhang on the north side of the canyon.

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2015-05-16 14-46-23 - DSC00923-b
The last pouroff.

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2015-05-16 14-48-58 - DSC00924-b
Atop the last pouroff - you can see the granary in the shade of the overhang.  Location is HERE.

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2015-05-16 14-49-37 - P1000924%a
Looking down canyon from the last pouroff. From here you are on the mesa top and you then hike to the road passing an old corral that is quite visible on Google Maps.

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2015-05-16 14-55-11 - utah 2015-087-j
Joel an Nick forged on ahead to retrieve the car.  This photo shows the car parked at the Trailhead to Access #4 where we had started.  Because of the rains we were worried that the road would be impassable due to the muddy clay.  However the good weather had dried out the road sufficiently that we had no trouble.

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2015-05-16 15-06-16 - utah 2015-088-j
Getting the car over the rough patch where it crosses the slickrock of Access #4.

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2015-05-16 15-17-43 - utah 2015-089-j
Joel and Nick met Allison and I hiking up the road from Trail Canyon.  Here we are packing up the gear for our long drive home.

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2015-05-16 15-17-48 - utah 2015-090-j
Another shot - Roof top carrier is ready to be put on.

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2015-05-16 15-35-10 - DSC00925-b
Group shot - Bill, allison, Nick, and Joel.
We had planned to eat in Blanding, but couldn't find anything open, so we forged on to Monticello, where we had a great meal at the Peach Tree Juice Cafe. Then is was a long drive to the Marble Motel in Tremonton, where we were able to get a room even though we arrived there after 1:00 AM.

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