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 Cascade Bill (William Mooseker) | Home > Backpacking Trips > 2012-2019 Trips > 2017 Grand Gulch, UT > 
2017 Grand Gulch - Day 4
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Grand Gulch 2017
Day 4 - May 25

Bannister Ruin to The Narrows

Rincon Pictographs
The Narrows
Holding Hands (Harvey) Panel

Bill M. Hiking Down Grand Gulch

Our goal for Day 4 was to hike to the Narrows, which is a relatively short hike. While there aren't many spectacular ruins along this stretch of the Gulch, it is very scenic and pleasant hiking.

Even though the day's hike was short, the relaxed pace allowed time for exploration and visiting several pictograph panels along the way. By afternoon it was very hot, and the Narrows offered a shady and breezy spot to escape the heat.

Unlike our last visit to the Narrows (2006), water was very scarce and we were lucky enough to find a few rock pockets near our camp that still had water. The Nicks thankfully carried the heavy 5 gal jugs up the hill to our camp on the rocks overlooking the Narrows.

Our last camp featured an unbelievable view of the night sky before the chill forced us into our sleeping bags.

Note photo takers are given in the titles under the thumbnails: Bill (bm), Mike (ms), Nick M. (nm), Nick T. (nt)

Kickass Trekkers on this trip were: Bill Mooseker, Will Stong, Mike Stong, Nick McMahan, Nick Tuggle

The descriptions under the photo thumbnails in the album sometimes contain links to maps or additional information. These are identified by "Blue” text for links. I've also inserted links to Google Maps to show where certain photos in the album were taken or to locate features shown in the photos. Click on the link, close the sidebar, and choose satellite view. Basically, you can then zoom in and out using the mouse wheel or drag the map by clicking and holding.

For panoramic photos, I would recommend clicking on the thumbnail photo to enlarge. View at original size for most detail. The thumbnails do not do justice to petroglyphs and pictographs, so I would recommend enlarging them as well. Please take the time to view the many videos to better experience what it was like to be there.

Troop 24 Kickass Trekkers Backpacking Trip
-Cascade Bill Mooseker

Date(s): May 25, 2017. Album by Cascade Bill. 1 - 115 of 115 Total. 577 Visits.
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05-25 06-30-47 - ms DSCF4975
We pitched our tents in the same campsite we had used in 2000.  You can see mine (green), Will's (white coffin) and Mike's (foreground).  The Nicks had their tent in the area we had supper in.  You can see how much the campsite has changed since 2000:  Click HERE and HERE.  The 2nd photo is from about the same spot as this one.

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05-25 06-31-09 - ms DSCF4976
Preparing breakfast.

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05-25 06-31-18 - ms DSCF4977
Morning in camp.

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05-25 07-22 ms.mp4
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Soon the sun peeks over the canyon wall as we are breaking down our camp.  Will philosophizes on the benefits of being young.

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05-25 08-25-33 - bm DSC01996
Heading out - just around the bend from our camp near Bannister Ruin.  The canyon loops around that bluff in the distance and loops back just over the canyon wall to the left.

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05-25 08-31-04 - bm DSC01997
Sandy stretch just before the next bend.

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05-25 08-45 ms.mp4
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Mike and Will going around the bend with the Bluff cited on a previous photo.

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05-25 08-50-38 - ms DSCF4980
Unusual "Hoodoo" or arch - I missed this on my way down this trip but had taken a photo of it in 2000.

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05-25 09-06-35 - nt IMG 0142
A pottery shard in the wash.

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05-25 09-16 ms.mp4
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Mike, Will, and Bill hiking down the wash - we didn't take the shortcuts over the humps at the bends as they were in direct sun and sandy.  This early in the morning the shady spots were still fairly cool.

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05-25 09-56 ms bm.mp4
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Bill hiking in a shady alcove.  Mike and Bill discover a weeping spring, and Nick T passes us by like a thoroughbred going by two old nags.

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05-25 09-54-16 - bm DSC01998
Mike filming with his GoPro along the canyon wall.

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05-25 09-54-26 - bm DSC01999
Looking back upcanyon

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05-25 10-00-22 - ms DSCF4981
Don't expect to see mushrooms in the desert!

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05-25 10-05-05 - bm DSC02000
All of a sudden the canyon opens up and it seems a lot hotter and drier.

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05-25 10-05-14 - bm DSC02001
Telephoto shot of the headland ahead.

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05-25 10-15 ms.mp4
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There was no shade for the last stretch of canyon, so when this shady alcove beckoned, we all took a break in the shade along with a cooling breeze.
(Video shows how beautiful this section of the canyon is)

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05-25 10-20-47 - bm DSC02002
Mike and Nick T - taking a break in the shade.

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05-25 10-21-00 - bm DSC02004
A rare slickrock section here.

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05-25 10-36-57 - bm DSC02005
Looking down canyon from our break spot.

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05-25 11-40-09 - bm DSC02006
Looking up canyon from our break alcove.

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05-25 10-41 ms.mp4
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Mike, Will, and the Nicks go on a hunt for ruins and art panels. It was too hot for me so I stayed in the shade.

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05-25 10-44a ms.mp4
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The exploration continues!

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05-25 10-40-34 - nt IMG 0143
Panoramic shot by Nick T - if you enlarge it you can find Nick M on a ledge.

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05-25 10-45-30 - nt IMG 0147
Lizard getting a little sun.

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05-25 10-47-01 - nt IMG 0148
Nick T discovered these in an alcove - I think that these are cowpies as ranchers of long ago used Collins canyon as an in and out for cattle.  These droppings are fairly common and are found in alcoves all along Grand Gulch and will still be there 100 years from now.

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05-25 10-57 ms.mp4
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Strolling along an alcove and finding a pictograph panel.

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05-25 10-48-17 - nt IMG 0150
Interesting pictograph panel with an abstract Kokopeli?

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05-25 10-48-29 - nt IMG 0151
Hands panel with faint images that may be Kokopeli figures.  This panel is adjacent to the one in the previous photo.  Note the different style.

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05-25 10-49-44 - nt IMG 0152
Unusual rock.

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05-25 10-58 ms.mp4
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Further explorations along the alcove - faded pictographs and hand prints.  Will & Mike think some are fake but they look real to me. You be the judge.

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05-25 10-59 ms.mp4
VIDEO - Click Photo to View.
Further exploration along the alcove with more faded pictographs and hand prints.

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05-25 11-24 ms.mp4
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Continuing exploration of the alcove - finding a panel with a multitude of "bird" figures.

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05-25 11-21-42 - nt IMG 0153
Panel with bird figures.

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05-25 11-28-16 - ms DSCF4983
Nick M, Will, and Nick T at the Bird panel.

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05-25 11-28-33 - ms DSCF4985
Nick M, Will and Nick T.

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05-25 11-28-53 - ms DSCF4982
View from the alcove.

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05-25 12-24-19 - ms DSCF4986
Back from their explorations, we have lunch and get ready to head back out.

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05-25 12-24-34 - ms DSCF4987
Will, Nick M, & Nick T.

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05-25 12-27 bm.mp4
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Lost Ranger Flippy competition - Will & Mike.
Click Here for an explanation of the "Lost Ranger Flippy".

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05-25 12-27-33 - bm DSC02007
Packs on via Lost Ranger Flippy!

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05-25 12-32-04 - ms DSCF4991
On our way again after our lunch and exploration break, Bill & Will hiking over a slickrock section of the wash.

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05-25 12-32-12 - ms DSCF4993
Bill rounding a bend in the canyon.

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05-25 12-31 ms.mp4
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Mike's commentary as we are on our way down the Gulch in the increasing heat of the day.

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05-25 12-36-27 - bm DSC02008
Will & Mike outpacing Bill (as usual) as the wash becomes rockier.  The bluff in the distance is at the head of False Trail Canyon.

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05-25 12-37-32 - bm DSC02009
Back on slickrock, will and Mike getting further ahead as we near False Trail Canyon.

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05-25 12-45 ms.mp4
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Along the way (near False Trail Cyn), we see that our friend the bear is continuing down the Gulch.

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05-25 12-46-53 - ms DSCF4994
Photo of the bear tracks.

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05-25 12-50 ms.mp4
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We see our first water at the mouth of False Trail Canyon - with multitudes of tadpoles. Video continues on past Collins Canyon to the Narrows with the Nicks passing us along the way.

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05-25 12-50-51 - nt IMG 0154
Interesting pattern in the rocks of the streambed.

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05-25 12-50-52 - bm DSC02011
Sandy stretch at the mouth of Collins Canyon.

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05-25 12-51-13 - nt IMG 0155
Headland is on the south side of Collins Canyon.  From here it is a short stroll down to The Narrows.

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05-25 12-52-55 - ms DSCF4996
Nick T passing Bill at Collins Canyon.  The Narrows is at the notch in the skyline.

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05-25 12-51-40 - nt IMG 0156
Telephoto view down canyon from the previous photo - you can see the top of The Narrows ahead.

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05-25 12-58-14 - ms DSCF4998
Nick T

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05-25 12-58-45 - ms DSCF4999
Bill, Nick M, & Nick T approaching The Narrows.

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05-25 13-00-11 - nt IMG 0157
Nick M at the Narrows.

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05-25 13-00-14 - nt IMG 0158
Logs from past flash floods show how you wouldn't want to be here during one.  I was hoping to find water here - in 2000 there was a sizable puddle and in 2006 there was a "lake" as SHOWN HERE

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05-25 13-02-58 - nm IMG 2431
Patterns in the rock at the narrows.

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05-25 13-03-13 - nm IMG 2432
Looking up at The Narrows below the log jam.

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05-25 13-04-14 - nm IMG 2433
View of the Narrows - we had planned to go down canyon a lot further, but even though it was only 2:00 pm (Mtn Time).  It was too hot and with undependable water sources, we made the decision to camp nearby.  There were a couple of small pools of water just upstream of the Narrows.

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05-25 13-06 ms.mp4
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Mike and Nick M explore down canyon from the Narrows for a possible campsite.

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05-25 13-17 ms.mp4
VIDEO - Click Photo to View.
Fun with a lizard at the Narrows.

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05-25 13-16-58 - nt IMG 0159
Lizard (No Lizards were harmed in the filming of this video!)

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05-25 13-23-10 - nt IMG 0160
Back home

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05-25 13-23-22 - nt IMG 0163
Close up

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05-25 13-38-14 - nm IMG 2450
View of the Narrows from the rincon cut off by the Narrows.

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05-25 14-01-07 - nt IMG 0167
Relaxing in the shade

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05-25 14-26 ms.mp4
VIDEO - Click Photo to View.
Video of the bedding layers in the sandstone of the wash below the Narrows.

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05-25 14-26-04 - nm IMG 2461
Cacti not quite ready to bloom

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05-25 14-28-23 - bm DSC02013
Looking for a campsite, I found these cacti blooms.

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05-25 14-26-06 - bm DSC02012
Yellow and red blooms of prickly pear cactus.

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05-25 14-29-11 - bm DSC02014
More blooms

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05-25 14-29-25 - nt IMG 0166
Close up of cactus bloom.

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05-25 13-53-25 - nm IMG 2454
Cactus bloom heavy with pollen.

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05-25 14-33-50 - nm IMG 2462
Sun behind one side of the Narrows.

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05-25 14-33-55 - nm IMG 2463
Bill coming back from his trip looking for a camp downstream of the Narrows.

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05-25 14-34-04 - bm DSC02015
Looking at the downstream end of the Narrows - Nick M is doing a little climbing practice.
HERE is a photo from the same spot in 2006.

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05-25 14-35-51 - nm IMG 2467
Panoramic shot upstream of the Narrows.

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05-25 14-41-11 - nm Image2
The old man is worn out!

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05-25 14-48 ms.mp4
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Exploring the upstream end of the rincon, the Nicks attempt to climb up onto a higher ledge.

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05-25 14-56 ms.mp4
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Views from the ledge of the rincon as well as looking down into the Gulch.  The Nicks continue their attempt to get to the upper ledge.

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05-25 15-01-49 - nm IMG 2472
A small ruin found by the Nicks

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05-25 15-03-21 - nt IMG 0169
Panoramic view from the upper ledge with the Narrows about 1/4 from the right edge.  Nick M is at the right.
(Best viewed at original size)

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05-25 15-23-27 - nt IMG 0170
Another panoramic photo from the ledge but this one has the Narrows to the left of center.
(best viewed at original size)

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05-25 15-04-24 - nm IMG 2473
Following the ledge upstream, False Trail Canyon appears with it's distinctive bluff to the left of center.

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05-25 15-12 ms.mp4
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Will shows his scars from bushwhacking through the cacti.

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05-25 15-15 ms.mp4
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Mike and Will explore a more recent pictograph panel, possibly by Navajos.

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05-25 15-26 ms.mp4
VIDEO - Click Photo to View.
Watching the Nicks getting down from the upper ledge.

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05-25 15-32 ms.mp4
VIDEO - Click Photo to View.
Finding animal tracks in the wash.

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05-25 16-07-11 - nt IMG 0172
Late afternoon sun on the canyon walls just below the Narrows.

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05-25 17-07 ms.mp4
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Mike and Will - Pictograph panel including what I call the "Harvey" pictograph.

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05-25 17-14-01 - bm DSC02017
Mike and Will along the ledge with several pictograph panels.
(Enlarge to find them)

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05-25 17-14-02 - nm IMG 2436

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05-25 17-14-04 - nm IMG 2437

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05-25 17-14-05 - nt IMG 0165
"Harvey" pictograph with adjoining group that looks like those stickers people put on the back windows of their minivans.

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05-25 17-14-14 - ms DSCF5001
Bighorn sheep? with a faded group of marching people?

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05-25 17-14-02 - nm IMG 2436

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05-25 17-14-53 - ms DSCF5007
Pattern - similar to a much older one at the Green Mask Panel

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05-25 17-15-41 - ms DSCF5008
Another grouping, which includes a faint "corn" symbol at the upper left (enlarge photo), several human figures, and a large white "turkey".

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05-25 17-16-13 - ms DSCF5009
Some of the images have faded away here - hard to determine what they represent.  Possible "corn" symbol at right (red circle with white stem)

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05-25 17-16-17 - ms DSCF5010
A lot of faded images here - a red "corn" symbol, some human figures including one with a red (blood?) swath.

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05-25 17-17-07 - ms DSCF5011

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05-25 17-17-11 - ms DSCF5012
More birds?

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05-25 17-17-13 - bm DSC02018

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05-25 17-17-35 - ms DSCF5013
Hard to interpret this one - looks like humal figures in some way with those diagonal strips.

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05-25 17-29-05 - bm DSC02019
Will & Mike at the Narrows

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2017 utah Nick T IMG 0173
Shortly after we set up camp, the skies darkened and it looked like we were going to be in for a sudden storm, but it dissipated just as fast as it came up.

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05-25 18-33 ms.mp4
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Mike talks about our campsite for the last night of our trip while water heats for our supper.

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05-25 19-09a ms.mp4
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Will & Mike braiding yucca as taught by our shuttle driver.

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05-25 18-36-30 - nt IMG 0176
Nick T's photo looking towards the Narrows from downstream.

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05-25 19-28-58 - nt IMG 0179
After supper the Nicks went exploring down canyon and wound up HERE
(note distinctive "fishbone" pattern in rock)

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05-25 19-28-59 - nt IMG 0180
Another view of the basin with the "fishbone" pattern.

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