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1981 Pasayten

Pasayten Wilderness
June 17-24, 1981

Along the Trail Near Remmel Lake
Dave Burgess, Greg Mooseker, Pat Haller, Randal Fenton, Craig Koch, Randy Miller, Mike Ruhsenberger, Matt Guentz, Scott Weatherhogge, Merl Weatherhogge

June is not the best time to do a backpacking trip in the Cascades, as we discovered on this trip. The high country was still covered in snow, the creeks were raging with the snowmelt, and the trails were wet and muddy.

Troop 24 "The High Adventure Troop" Backpacking Trip
-Cascade Bill Mooseker

Date(s): June 17 - June 24, 1981. Album by Cascade Bill. 1 - 62 of 62 Total. 2554 Visits.
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This is from a Troop 24 - 1981 trip in the Pasayten Wilderness.  Photo Locations pointed out in the album are shown as circles with numbers inscribed.

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Part of the original handout for the hike.

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My cartoon reminder to pack wisely.
"This should be turned into a picture postcard!"
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Our first day - Starting at Thirty Mile campground we headed up the Chewack River Trail, a long valley pounder. We then headed up the Basin Creek trail where this photo was taken (Day 1 -8 miles, 2300' climb). After reaching a campsite we realized that the high country was still snowed in and we needed to amend our trip plan for a lower elevation hike.  (Photo location 1 - along the Basin Cr Trail).

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Troop tradition was to give nicknames on our hikes so here we have:
"Cascade" Bill Mooseker
Pat "Hootin' Hippie" Haller
Matt "Galloping Gourmet" Guentz
Randal "Golden Day" Fenton
Mike "Rootin Tootin Regular" Ruhsenberger
Scott "Sweat Sox" Weatherhogge
Merle "Mountain Man" Weatherhogge

(Not shown:)
Greg "Wait for Me" Mooseker
Craig "Cowpie" Koch
Randy "50 and Out" Miller
Dave "Malibubu" Burgess

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This is the morning of our 3rd Day - For Day 2 we had a short hike back down Basin Creek and up the Chewack (Photo Location 2 - See Map) to the junction of the Chewack River and Horseshoe Creek.

Pat, Merle, Greg, Randy and Matt

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Matt "Galloping Gourmet" Guentz cooking up a bunch of Vienna Sausages.

The Paseyton seems to attract wierd hikers, and while we were getting breakfast, a guy, whom we dubbed "The Spaceman", walked up to our camp dressed in aluminum foil and transparent plastic and asked us if there was a bridge.  We pointed out a sign just over our heads that said "Bridge" with an arrow pointing the way.  He walked off into the drizzle and was never seen again.  I wish now that I had taken a picture of him, but you don't want to provoke wierd people!

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Merle, Greg, Mike, and Randy. - Waiting for breakfast.

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Pat "Hootin Hippie" Haller - packing up.
That's his old orange pack on the tree -  The pack fell apart about 5 days into the hike and we had to come up with a Rube Goldberg fix in the field so he could finish the trip.

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Taking a Break -
Pat, Randal, Dave, Scott, Greg, Craig, Mike, and Merle.
(Photo Location 3 - See Map.)

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Getting Ready to head out -
Merle, Randy, and Matt

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Day 3 was a long slog up the Chewack (10 miles, 2200' climb).  Near the end we got glimpses of Remmel Mountain through the trees.

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Along the Trail - Remmel Mountain as a backdrop:
Dave, Greg, Pat, Randal, Craig, Randy, Mike, Matt, Scott, and Merle.
(Photo Location 4 - See Map)

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Another View.

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At last the trail exits the woods and enters the meadows on the south side of Remmel Lake (Elev 6871' - Photo Location 5 - See Map).

Greg "Wait for Me" Mooseker got his nickname as he was almost always the last one ready to hit the trail.

You can see the weather, had turned cold causing Greg to don stocking cap and sweater.

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We camped on the north side of Remmel Lake with a good view of Remmel Peak. (Photo Location 6 - See Map), and watched the clouds and showers roll by.

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Another View

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Sunset at Remmel Lake.

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Another view.

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View from the south side of Remmel Lake towards Amphitheater Mtn.

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Day 4 - we took a day hike to Cathedral Lake.  This is just above Remmel Lake below Amphitheater Mtn. with a grand view of Remmel Peak. (Photo Location 7 - See Map).

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Another view.

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View of Remmel Peak (left) and Andrew Peak to the right from the meadows above Remmel Lake (Photo Location 7 - See Map).

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Randal and Matt with Remmel Mtn as backdrop.

Randal "Golden Day" Fenton got his nickname because he would always be saying "It's going to be a Golden Day" (from the Bad News Bears or the Coke commercial?) even though it was usually raining or snowing.

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Cascade Bill back when there weren't any gray hairs in the beard.  That was a great hiking stick I got at a craft fair - super light and flexible, but after a few years of hard use, I accidentally stepped on it and it broke in half.

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As we climbed higher we got into heavy snowpack.  This is looking west towards Sheep Mountain.

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After a while the trail from Remmel Lake joins the Boundary trail and goes over a little pass for a view of Cathedral Peak.

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Cathedral Peak and Lake from the trail.

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A good view of Cathedral Pass above the Lake - I would come over that pass in 1984.

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We continued west on the Boundary Trail till we got a view of Lower Cathedral Lake (visible through the trees here).  Because of the snow we turned around and headed back to Remmel Lake. (Photo Location 8 - See Map)

Mike, Pat, Scott, Randal and Greg. - you can see that it was cold.

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Heading back across the snow fields, which were sometimes knee deep. Scott, who had a new pair of $100 dollar boots that he swore were 100% waterproof, came walking into camp and you could hear "Squish", "Squish" with every step, claimed that the boots hadn't leaked, but that his feet were sweating a lot - thus the nickname "Sweat Sox" Scott.
"I will have to remember that one if my new waterproof..."
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Remmel Peak from the snowfields.

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Craig and Randy around the campfire after a long day hike.  They regailed us with a long story about how they had snuck out one night and their adventures on the town, including encounters with a drug dealer.

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Close up of Craig and Randy -
Craig got the nickname of "Cowpie" from the numerous cowpies found in the "Multi-use" National Forest, when he found that not all of them were dried out.

Randy got his nickname "50 and Out", when we were hiking the next day and we turned off on the Spanish Creek trail, and I told him that we could just keep going down the Andrew's Creek Trail and get our 50 miles in.  He said that that sounded like a good idea to him.

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Sitting around the campfire at Remmel Lake:
Randal, Mike, Greg, Merle, Matt, Pat, Randy, Bill, Scott, Craig, and Dave.

It was cold and we even had snow at times.  It's funny how you can't remember what you did yester day, but I remember discussions around this campfire that was 29 years ago.
We talked about the wonderful new product the "Walkman" that you could clip to your belt and take your music with you.  Merle also informed us that his daughter was going to going to junior high in the fall and that they guys were to look out for her.  Scott also took a lot of guff for his waterproof boots.

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Another view.  If you enlarge the picture to "Original view", you can see my old single wall "A" frame tent at the right.

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This is from a day hike up Bald Mountain on Day 6 looking west to Sheep Mountain.  What happened to Day 5, you might ask?  Well, it was one of the most miserable hiking days I've ever had.  The Boundary Trail goes over Bald Mountain, but all we could see was white snow covering the mountain so we opted to bypass Bald Mtn by taking the Spanish Creek Trail - 9 miles of pure hell.  Mud, Mud, Mud! Creek Crossings on slippery logs - Craig fell in at one point.  It was so bad we didn't get any pictures)

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Bill, Merle, Mike, Pat, and Craig on the Boundary Trail over Bald Mtn. View is to the west towards Sheep Mountain.  Much to my chagrin, I found that there was no snow on the trail, which skirted the north side of the mountain avoiding the snow we had seen on our day hike to Cathedral Lake.

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Another view from Bald Mountain, looking south. (Photo Location 10 - See Map)

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We came upon this fawn hiding among the limbs of this fallen tree. (Enlarge to Original Size")

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Another view of the fawn.

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Bald Mountain has a long flat meadow on top and we took a break at this big boulder-
Bill, Pat, Craig, Randy, Mike, and Merle.

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Bill and Greg (I got a picture at this same spot in 1996 with my younger son, Andrew)

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Bill and Greg - Note this was before the advent of fleece.  In 1981 it was wool only!

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Pat Haller

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Close up of Hootin Hippie Haller.

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Mike Ruhsenberger

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Close up of "Rootin Tootin Regular" Ruhsenberger.  Mike got his nickname from eating the left over portions of "stewed fruit" that we had for breakfast and dessert.  Merle didn't eat his portions, explaining that, "I don't mind being regular, I just don't want to be frequent!"

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Craig "Cowpie" Koch

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Randy "50 and Out" Miller.

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Merle "Mountain Man" Weatherhogge

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Hey, Wait for me!

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Matt, Scott, Randal, and Dave had stayed in camp while we went on our day hike.

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Matt, Scott, Randal, and Dave building a "bridge" over the Ashnola River.

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Close up - The Ashnola River flows north, which feels a little strange.

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We camped two nights at the Ashnola Shelter, which is in a small grassy clearing in the middle of a dense Lodgepole pine forest.  Because of it's remoteness, and being surrounded by a dark forest, it makes one feel that he is back in time with Daniel Boone on the frontier.

I've stayed here many times - 1984, 1996, and 2001 as well as in 1981.

Merle, Randy, Pat, Dave, Randal, Scott, Greg, Craig, and Mike.

(Photo Location 10 - See Map)

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Around the campfire at the Ashnola Shelter - Randy, Pat, Dave, Scott, Greg, and Matt.

After our long muddy hike up the Ashnola and over Ashnola pass, we renamed it the "Assahola" River.

One of the topics at our campfires was usually movies, etc. Dave got his nickname "Malibubu" because he always put in a plug for "Malibu Beach" with its big breasted babes in bikinis.

You can find the trailer here:
Malibu Beach

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After a long 16 mile day up the Ashnola and over Ashnola pass we valley pounded down Lake Creek to beautiful Black Lake. Both "Hootin Hippie" and "Wait for me" had fallen in the Asnhola river.

My feet felt like I had walked through a lava pool. All the camps at the north end of the lake were taken so we had hike all the way to the south end much to the dismay of my feet.

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Another view - (Photo Location 11 - See Map).

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A view looking back up Black Lake - We were heading out just as the weather turned beautiful.  Just 3.5 miles out to the cars, and a long drive home after porking out in Winthrop.  (Photo Location 12 - See Map).

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