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 Kristin and Will | Home > Costumes and Creations > Completed Costumes > Star Wars Costumes > 
Tatooine Light Blue Midriff
February 14, 2009 I debuted this costume at Farpoint for the Masquerade and took home 3 First Place prizes!!!  Best Workmanship, First in Sci-Fi, and Best in Show!!!

December 22, 2008 The skirt is done!!!  All I need to make now is the head piece.

October 12, 2008
- The top is done!  It's all painted, the beads are on the hood, and it's done!  It fits great, but there is a LOT of fabric in it, it's quite heavy.  Once its on though it's quite comfy :-D

September 14, 2008
- I've started my mock up, and thanks to my friend Michaela for the hood and cape patterns, it went much easier than expected!  I started by drafting my own wrap top pattern and then used her patterns to complete the top.
- This costume is a fabric eater!  I've already gone through 6 yards of fabric, I hope that 11 will be enough after self lining the cape and hood, and then making the skirt.
- Fabric purchased from my friend Karen who had enough extra from her own project :-)
Date(s): September 13, 2008. Album by Kristin and Will. 1 - 47 of 47 Total. 2572 Visits.
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Aloha, Thank you so much for the link to your step-by-step making this beautiful midriff dress. I've been trying to read up on every site possible for tips in making it myself. I'm not a seamstress by any means but have decided to make this dress for my Halloween costume this year. Our theme this year is Star Wars and my husband is busy completing his Darth Maul attire and I am just now starting on gathering and compiling a list of supplies for the blue midriff dress. There's lots of discussion and differences of opinion about this garment and it seems rather  overwhelming. However, I'm sure your breakdown will help me tremendously and hopefully I can take small baby steps and get it completed in time. Many mahalos for providing this information  and helping those of us just starting out.
Valerie Bigelow, Sat, 5 Sep 2009 11:20PM
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Shirt Mock-Up Front

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Shirt Mock-Up Back

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With the under cape pinned on.

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Fabric and parts without flash under florescent light.

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Fabric and parts with flash.

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After seeing her patterns and scaling them up, I can't believe how easy the cape thing actually is lol.

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Back of the cape.

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Trying it on for the first time.  I had to adjust the shoulders because my dress form has steep shoulders, mine are straighter across.  I also need to lengthen the bust a few inches, otherwise I may end up flashing people *oops*.

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Back view, I think I may shorten the cape about 2-3", I know it's long, but this is really long, even after accounting for the seam allowances.

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Crop Top and inner sleeve.  Just a tad too short, I run the risk of falling out the bottom of this if I don't lengthen it a bit.  The sleeve fit perfectly and will be really awesome with the correct fabric and piping.

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Front after pinning on the hood.

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Close up of my really wrinkly mock-up fabric lol.

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The back hood.  I was running out of fabric, so I had to make it a little shorter along the top, when I do the real one, I will make this a little more drapey.

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Completed mock-up top.  I didn't self line the hood or cape in the mock-up, it's not really needed.

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Cutting out the good fabric by using the mock up as a pattern.

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All the fabric cut and ready.

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Cutting out the hood... I hope the 2.5 yards I have left will be enough for the skirt *eep*

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The sleeve from hell.  I only say that because the fabric was shredding my thread.  I had to go out the next day and get new thread and beeswax.

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The inside of the self lined and piped sleeve :-)  I'm proud of myself on the neatness of this.  I'm slowly improving my technique with each project :-D

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Wax on the thread as it pulls through the machine.  This worked like a charm, it kept the thread from shredding or getting tangled in the fabric.
Beeswax and Gutermann Thread

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Back of the top with the cape pinned in place to see how looks.

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The bodice before the faux wraps and the hood.

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Paint tests.  First it was too light silver, then it was too blue, and then it was perfect (top right corner flur).

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Painting the edges first, and then going to the middle of the back.  This part is fun, but a little nerve wracking.  I'm worried that with each stamp, it will be smudged or something lol.

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Stamp!  I made it in ratio to my wrist.  The actual costume looks like the flur is about as wide as her wrist, so that's what I did with mine :-)

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