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I need some help in identifying this type of vintage clasp. Does anyone know what to call this? Thanks for your help!
"All I can think of is hook clasp" --Judi Bollan, 03/06/09
"I think I would call it a hook and eye like clasp as in the sewing type because it is just like a hook & eye closure used in sewing." --Arlene Hjulian, 03/06/09
"I just received the new Fire Mountain Gems catalog and they call it "hook and eye". I looked carefully but could find no other name. Of course the catalog has new things so it might have been called something else earlier. I am going to my jeweler in a minute and will ask him if he knows of any other name." --Nancy Cox, 03/06/09
"I call that a pressure hook or a snap hook. It's a bit more than a hook clasp. I really like those, wish they were still made." --Vera Battemarco, 03/06/09
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