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Asparagus Fern
Asparagus Fern or Ground Asparagus (Asparagus aethiopicus).
Originating in South Africa, Asparagus Fern is a multi-branched prostrate perennial shrub or scrambler forming a dense mat of tuberous roots. Branches grow to 60cm with a covering of small spines. Flowers are bell-shaped, white-pale pink clusters, flowering in late summer.
Fruit are red berries to 8mm wide containing 1 to a few black seeds about 4mm in diameter, occurring winter/early spring.
Seeds are spread by birds, water and dumping. Asparagus Fern can also reshoot from rhizome pieces left in the ground or dumped as garden waste. This weed is invasive and poses a significant threat to the bushland environment.
All Images are Copyright ©gladysclancy
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