Title for Discovering D&E Group

Discovering DeLizza & Elster aka Juliana Jewelry - Current & Archived Photos

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Established & New Members
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If you are an established member with full privileges, you will use this option to access current and archived information. New members share access to most of these folders too, but not all.

Se Lei è un membro stabilito coi pieni diritti, Lei userà questa scelta per accedere corrente ed archivierà informazioni.

Need a quick refresher on procedures or Frequently Asked Questions?

Click here - Read our Procedures & Getting Started with the D&E Group

Click here - Read more about D&E - family and company information, facts vs. myths, etc.

Downloading Restrictions User agrees that the material provided for viewing is to be used solely for personal purposes such as viewing on a home computer and may not be printed for distribution, saved as your own work or for another, uploaded/saved to other storage facilities or downloaded, reproduced, displayed, shared or distributed to other groups or organizations, for planned use now and in the future for personal financial gain or profit or for any commercial purposes or publications (electronic or paper). If you wish to do so, please obtain written permission from the group account owner.

If your password does not allow full access, you are using a restricted password or your password has expired.
Date(s): August 22, 2006. 1 - 20 of 20 Total. Hidden

The annual premium subscription has ended and the account is fully intact.
If you are the account owner, please renew. Click

This account is paid for by a private collector who is not affiliated with any selling site nor has any express or implied stake or interest in any members' site or physical store.
Information contained in this account regardless of the source, is protected under current U.S. Copyright Laws which includes stored data and images. Copies of photos of jewelry photographed by members and former members of the Real Juliana Jewelry Group (2004-2005) and the Discovering (D&E) Juliana Jewelry group, 2006-2010 are to be used expressly for DJJ group purposes and activities and are permanent records of historic significance. Processes and procedures may be protected under certain intellectual property rights laws as well.  Opinions or comments contained, logged and expressed within the confines of this account and/or within the chat group forum (DJJ) carry no warranty or guarantee, expressed or implied.  We do not provide authentication or appraisal services nor issue certificates of authenticity.  When in doubt, obtain written permission from the owner of this account.